Occupational Lung diseases - Coal workers PNEUMOCONIOSIS Flashcards
what is pneumoconiosis?
a disease of the lungs due by INHALATION OF DUST
what 3 things is pneumoconiosis characterised by?
1) inflammation
2) coughing
3) fibrosis
what 4 things can arise as a result of pneumoconiosis?
1) simple pneumoconiosis
2) progressive massive fibrosis (complicated pneumoconiosis)
3) chronic bronchiti
4) Caplan’s Syndrome
what is simple pneumoconiosis a reflection of?
it reflects the deposition of coal dust in the lungs
what would simple pneumoconiosis look like on an X-ray?
- fine micro nodular shadowing
- in other words abnormalities are present
does simple pneumoconiosis affect lung function?
no - there is no impaired lung function
what chronic disease is simple pneumoconiosis often associated with?
what are the 3 categories for simple pneumoconiosis?
1) small round opacities present but few in number
2) small round opacities numerous but normal lung marking still visible
3) small round opacities numerous & normal lung markings totally obscured
what can a simple pneumoconiosis progress to?
progressive massive fibrosis (complicated pneumoconiosis)
what may patients with progressive massive fibrosis develop?
= develop round fibrotic masses several centimetres in diameter
where are these fibrosis masses in progressive massive fibrosis usually situated within the lung?
within the upper lobes
in progressive massive fibrosis what 2 things would be found in a patients serum?
1) rheumatoid factor
2) anti-nuclear antibodies
what would the lung function test show in a patent with progressive massive fibrosis?
- restrictive pattern mostly but also a mix of obstructive
- reduced lung volume
- reduced gas transfer
- IRREVERSIBLE airflow limitation
what are the symptoms of progressive massive pneumoconiosis?
- persistent cough
- considerable effort dyspnoea
- sputum that may be black
What is chronic bronchitis caused by?
smoking + dust
what is Caplan’s syndrome?
a combination of rheumatoid arthritis and pneumoconiosis that manifests as intrapulmonary nodules.
what are intrapulmonary nodules?
= spot on the lung, smaller than 3cm in diameter