Obstruction/Rectal Dz Flashcards
Divisions of small intestines? (3)
1) Duodenum (pylorus to ligament of Treitz)
2) Jejenum
3) Ileum
Vascular supply of small intestines?
Primary role of small intest?
Components of large bowel? (8)
1) Cecum
2) Ascending colon
3) Hepatic Flexure
4) Transverse colon
5) Splenic flexure
6) Descending colon
7) Sigmoid
8) Rectum
Vascular supply for large bowel?
Primary role of large bowel?
Absorb H2O, e-
Store feces
Causes of small bowel obstruction (SBO)? (5)
1) POST-OP ADHESION (primary cause, 80% self-resolve)
2) Malignancy
3) Hernia
4) Strictures (Crohn’s, NSAIDS, radiation, ischemia)
5) Tumors
Intussusception epidemiology?
(U) kids, benign, self-limiting
Adults (U) a/w tumors
Currant jelly stool
W/ SBO, intestinal dilation seen where?
Exacerbated by?
proximal to obstruction
swallowed air, intest secretion
Dilation from SBO leads to?
↑ peristalsis ->
compressed lymphatics ->
swelling in lumen ->
↑pressure drives fluid into peritoneum (3rd spacing)
necrosis -> leaks bacteria
SBO signs/sxs? (5)
1) Abd pain (intermittent initially, then constant)
2) Distention (more C w/ distal obstr)
3) N/V (more C w/ distal obstr)
4) Constipation (pass gas but not stool)
5) Obstipation (can’t pass gas or stool)
SBO sxs that are “bad signs”? (2)
Constant pain
Important SBO hx? (5)
1) Prior abd surgery?
2) Hernia?
3) CA?
4) N/V/D/C? If so, how long?
5) Pain ↓ or ↑?
Important SBO physical exams? (3)
1) VITAL SIGNS (tachy w/ hypoTN = SHOCK/strangulation/sepsis)
2) Bowel sounds (Early = high-pitched w/ rushes, Late = silent)
3) Abdominal palpation (diffuse tenderness)
(Rebound + very still pt = advanced dz)
SBO lab findings:
Electrolytes = altered
BUN/Cr = elevated (dehydration)
WBC = (U) elevated (late)
Hct = increased if hemoconcentration (late)
LDH = elevated if tissue breakdown (late)
SBO imaging studies? (3)
1) Plain films: supine and upright
2) CT scan w/o contrast
3) UGI w/ small bowel follow through
SBO findings on plain films?
Dilated bowels
Air-fluid levels
Free air if perforated
30% false negatives
CT w/o contrast indicated for SBO when?
Plain films are negative
Do CT first if high clinical suspicion
If very high suspicion for SBO, first action should be?
call surgeon (let him decide imaging)
SBO management? (7)
1) Volume resuscitation
2) Decompress w/ nasogastric tube
3) NPO
4) Abx
5) Correct e- imbalance
6) Watch vitals
7) Reassess for next 3 days
Paralytic Ileus is?
↓ bowel motility with NO obstruction
Paralytic Ileus caused by? (6)
1) intra-abd surgery
2) opiates
3) bedrest
4) trauma
5) e-
6) sepsis
Paralytic Ileus presentation? (5)
1) No BS
2) Less severe abd pain
3) (P) massive distention
4) N/V
5) Normal vitals
Paralytic Ileus diagnositcs?
Findings on plain films?
Same as SBO (ruling this out)
Dilation of small AND large bowels