Exam 3 Head/Face Disorders Flashcards
Facial Palsy etiology? (7)
Compression/Inflamm of CN VII in internal auditory canal
U Idiopathic Infection Trauma Tumor Cerebrovasc dz Toxins
Bell’s Palsy is?
Idiopath peripheral palsy of facial nn
U 40s
Right > Left
Bell’s presentation? (6)
Unilat motor deficits of facial expression involving forehead Numb Eyelid won't close Lacrimal/salivary glands affected Taste to 2/3 tongue Develops over no longer than 3 days
Bell’s DDX? (6)
Mass lesion is onset > 2wks Guillain (bilateral) Lyme (bilateral Otitis media MS Tumor
Bell’s exam should include?
Hx of rashes, travel, motor weakness, new meds
Central Facial Palsy affect what Motor Neurons?
P caused by?
Contralat lower face
Both eyebrows still raisable
Stroke, Tumor, Trauma of motor cortex
Peripheral Facial Palsy affects what Motor Neurons?
P caused by?
Entire Ipsilat Face
Stroke, Tumor, MS of brainstem
Trauma of basilar skull
Bell’s labs?
Fast blood sugar if DMII
MRI if No improvement or worse BILAT involvement FOREHEAD spared Parotid mass Hx of trauma
Bell’s tx?
Prednisone x 10 days
Valtrex x 7 days
Best if w/i 3 days of onset
Spontaneous recovery very high w/i 3 wks
Artificial tears/sunglasses
Trigeminal Neuralgia is?
Symptomatic: Compression?
Sympt: Demyelination?
Paroxysmal attacks of severe UNILAT face pain
Right > Left
Classic = ido, most C
Tumor compression of CN V root, root entry or aberrant vascular loop
Demyelination from MS -> is BILAT
Trigeminal Neuralgia presentation?
Paroxysmal lightening pain
1+ divisions of V affected (2/3 most C)
Physical exam U normal
Triggered by jaw mvmt, shave/wash, cold temps
Trigeminal Neuralgia imaging?
MRI to r/o lesion or 2° cause
Trigeminal Neuralgia tx?
DOC = Carbemazepine (Tegretol)
Anti-seizure 2nd line
Supra- or infraorbital nn block
Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell) is?
P autoimmune cell infiltration of med/large vessels ->
Thicken walls ->
P blindness, brainstem infarct
Temporal Arteritis presentation? (7)
UNILAT severe HA U temporal Worse w/ touch, pressure, cold JAW CLAUDICATION w/ chew, talk, swallow Diplopia, transient blindness Wgt loss/Fatigue a/w polymyalgia rheumatica
Temporal Arteritis diagnostic criteria? (5)
3 of 5: Onset > 50yo New, localized HA Temporal artery tender/↓ pulse ESR > 50 \+ temp artery bx = multinuc giant cells
Temporal Arteritis mgt?
Prevent Blindness/Stroke:
Prednisone 12 mo
Watch for sxs and s/e
Track ESR
TMJ Dysfxn is?
Aching pain around ear from misalignment:
MM hypertrophy
Disk degeneration/displacement
TMJ presentation? (6)
Periauricular pain Tender TMJ and mm of mastication Crepitus w/ mvmt Catching/locking ↓ ROM Asymm mvmt/dental wear
TMJ DDX? (7)
Tooth abscess Wisdom teeth Zoster Mastoiditis Otitis Externa/Media Parotitis Trigem neuro
TMJ Lab W/U?
Only if suspect systemic cause:
TMJ imaging?
XRay = erosions, osteophytes, stenosis
MRI if refractory