Diverticulosis/itis, Colon CA Flashcards
Diverticulum is?
outpouching from colon wall
Diverticulosis is?
At least one diverticulum
Most C involves sigmoid
Diverticulitis is?
ACUTE SYMPTOMATIC episode of inflamed diverticulum
Diverticulosis develops how?
At weak point in colon wall where vasa recta penetrates mm layer
Mucosa/Submucosa herniates thru mm layer
(P) due to ↑ colon pressure, low fiber
Diverticulosis presentation?
(U) asympt
Cramp, D/C, bloat
Diverticulosis management: Asympt?
High fiber
Diverticulitis caused by?
fecal obstruction of diverticulum or
↑ pressure -> divrt wall erosion -> necrosis -> perf
Microperforation U results in?
immediate walling-off of perf by pericolic fat/mesentary
Macroperforation may result in?
free air
Complicated Diverticulitis may include? (4)
Diverticulitis presentation?
Progressive/constant/aching LLQ pain
N/V D/C Urinary sxs Fever Tachy (from pain) LLQ tender and/or mass
Diverticulitis: if presents w/ urinary sxs, what must be r/o?
colovesicular fistual
Peritonitis probable if? (3)
rigid abdomen w/ guarding
rebound tender
no BS
Diverticulitis DDX?
Colon CA IBD Pyeloneph/UIT Pancreatitis Cholecystitis Nephrolithiasis Ectopic pregnancy Ovarian absc/torsion PID PUD Appendicits Ischemic Colitis
Diverticulitis Labs? (6)
CBC Stool occult (r/o rectal mass) CMP (r/o other dz) UA (r/o UTI) Stool cx if D hCG if W
Diverticulitis imaging: CT
CT (TOC for acute): Fat stranding Bowel wall thickness Diverticulosis Complications (absc, fist, obst, perf)
Diverticulitis imaging: Other? (4)
Plain film (free air, obst, mass)
Compression US
Flex sig/colonoscopy (NOT for acute)
BE (NOT for acute)
Diverticulitis management: Uncomplicated
Abx (G-/anaerob) 10-14d:
Metro (Flagyl) + Cipro or
Augmentin or
Flagyl + Bactrim
Diverticulitis management: Uncomplicated
Clear liquids x 2-3 days,
Long term fiber
Watch for ↑ fever/pain, ↓ PO tolerance
Close F/U,
Colonoscp 4-6 wks post (r/o CA)
Diverticulitis hospitalization when? (8)
Significant leukocytosis High fever Unmanageable pain No PO tolerance Comorbids Immunocomp Elderly Complications
Diverticulitis management: In-pt non-surg?
IV abx to PO when pain ↓
(P) colonoscp
Edu: fiber, return if sxs
Diverticulitis management: In-pt surg EMERGENT?
Severe complications
No improvement 3-4 day w/ therapy
Diverticulitis management: In-pt surg non-emergent? (2)
1) Single attack in immunocomp or w/ evidence of complication
2) r/o CA
Diverticular bleeding caused by?
Injury to artery running length of diverticulum,
(U) R sided -> R diver wider w/ more vasa recta exposure
Diverticular bleeding management: Large volume?
(P) surg
Colon Polyps: Types? (3)
1) Hyperplastic (Non-neopl/benign)
2) Pseudopolyps (Non-neopl -> Inflamm/IBD)
3) Adenoma (Neoplastic)
Colon Polyps: Adenoma types? (3)
1) Tubular (most C)
2) Tubulovillous
3) Villous (highest CA risk)
Colon Polyps: Adenoma epidemiology?
2/3 of all polyps
(C) >50 yo
(U) asympt
Source of almost all colon CA w/i 7-10 yrs
High risk Adenoma characteristics? (3)
> 10mm
High grade dysplasia
Villous or tubulovillous
Colorectal CA characteristics?
glandular cells lining colon/rectum
5 yr survival rate
Colon CA U found where?
Left side of colon
Colon CA risk factors? (8)
Personal/FHx >50yo IBD >8yrs Obesity Smoking/Alcohol High fat/low fiber/red meat diet DM II AfroAmer
Colon CA presentation?
Asymtp is common
Abd pain Bowel ∆s Hematochezia Weak/fatigue Anorexia Weight loss Fe-deficiency anemia
Colon CA common physical exam findings:
General: cachexia (ill/wasting)
Vitals: wgt loss
Skin: pallor (anemia), dehydration
Abd: distention, ascites, mass, organomegaly
Rec: blood+ stool, mass
Colon CA common lab findings:
Carcinoembryonic Antigen?
Chest/Abd/Pelvic CT?
CBC: Fe-defic anemia from blood loss
LFT: ↑alk phos w/ liver mets
CEA: use for monitoring, not screening
CT: r/o metastasis once diagnosed
Colon CA common finding on X-Ray?
apple core lesion
AJCC staging system?
Colon CA management? (3)
1) Part colectomy w/ adjacent lymphnode
2) Chemo
3) Radiation (U) for rectal involvement
Colon CA F/U? (3)
1) CEA levels Q 3-6mo for 3-5yrs post
2) CT chest/abd/pelvis annually
3) Colonoscopy w/i 1 yr of removal, if N repeat in 3 yrs then every 5
Colon CA screening tests? (4)
1) colonoscopy
2) BE
3) flex sig
4) CT colon
Colonoscopy benefits?
Visualize entire colon
Remove polyps
Take bx
Colonoscopy disadv?
Req bowel prep
Req sedation
Barium Enema benefits?
No sedation
Req prep
Can miss polyps/CA
+ findings req colonoscopy
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy benefits?
No sedation
Limited prep
Remove polyps
Low risk of perf
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy disadv?
See only distal 1/3
+ polyp req colonosc to clear proximal colon
CT colonoscopy benefits?
Produces 3D images
No sedation
No contrast
Very sensitive for polyps > 1cm
CT colonoscopy disadv?
Need prep
+ polyps req colonsc
Can miss small polyps
Colorectal CA detection tests: Hemoccult
Req 2 specimen on 3 consecutive stools
False + possible
Colorectal CA detection tests: Fecal Immunochemical test
PREFERRED TEST Tests for globin More specific than guaiac Low false + Less stool req
Colon CA screening recommendations: No risk pts?
colonoscopy age 50 Q 10 yrs
Colon CA screening recommendations: FHx?
1° relative w/ CRC/adeno polyps < 60yo
≥ two 1° relatives dx at any age
scopy every 5 yrs, @ 40yo or 10 yrs younger than age of relative's dx --------- 1° relative w/ CRC/adeno polyps ≥ 60yo or ≥ two 2nd relatives dx at any age
scopy @ 40, if N screen as no risk pt
Colon CA screening recommendations: Pt hx of CA?
adenomatous polyp or colon CA
scopy Q 5yrs
Colon CA screening test frequency by test?
Polyps and CA ------------------------ colonoscopy Q 10yrs flex sig Q 5yrs BE Q 5yrs CT colonography Q 5yrs
Hemoccult annually
FIT annually
Familial Adenomatous Polyps (FAP)?
Auto dominant APC mutation
>100 adeno polyps
↑ risk of other CAs
FAP tx?
Sig/colonscopy annually from 10yo - 40yo if neg
prophylactic colectomy if adeno > 1cm or villous
extracolonic CA screenings
Hereditary Non-polyposis Colon CA (HNPCC)?
"Lynch Synd" Auto dominant Multiple family members 70% develop CRC ↑ risk of other CAs (esp Endometrial)
HNPCC presentation?
CRC onset young
(U) promixal tumor
Multiple CRCs or related CA
HNPCC screening?
Annual scopy @ 20yo or 10yrs younger than earliest member’s onset
Annual screening for extracolonic CA