Obstruction Flashcards
What can obstruction be
Complete (complete constipation)
Incomplete (passage flatus / stool 6-12 hours after symptom onset)
Simple = no interference with blood supply
Exntrinsic / extra-mural
What are common causes of large bowel obstruction
Colon cancer (60%)
Diverticulitis causing post infective stricture (20%)
Volvulus (5%)
Impacted stool
What are other structural causes
IBD stricture
Adhesions - surgery / peritonitis / intra-abdo infection
What is an ileus
Temporary obstruction due to decreased motility / absence of peristaltic contractions
Will have no bowel sounds as no movement
What causes ileus
Post-surgery Infections Electrolyte imbalances - hyponatraemia Trauma Drugs Pancreatitis Peritonitis
What is Pseudo-obstruction
Resembles mechanical but no lesion
What can cause pseudo obstruction
Parkinson's MS Nerve issue Hypothyroid Hirschprungs Meconium ileus (CF) Ogilvies
What is Olgivies and what puts you at risk
Raised WCC
Pelvic surgery / trauma / CVS and near disease
How does obstruction present
Severe pain Abdo distension Diarrhoea early as increased peristalsis Constipation - absolute in distal but less pronounced if high Nausea Vomitnig = late sign Decreased appetite / anorexia Borborygmi High pitched bowel if early Silent abdomen if peritonitis Signs of dehydration / shock Altered bowel PR bleed
What does intermittent obstruction suggest
What puts you at increased risk of obstruction
How do you Dx obstruction
AXR = key in bowel obstruction
CT abdo = definite
What bloods
FBC U+E LFT Amylase as abode pain ABG or VBG shows clinical status
What will AXR show
Dilated bowel loops
Free air under diaphragm if perforates
Haustra 1/3 accross
What do you use to get cause
What are other useful tests
Gastograffin + AXR to look for perforation / anastomotic leak USS Air or barium enema Colonoscopy CT iconography if unfit
When do you caution with colonoscopy
May perforation / distension worse
Used to untwist volvulus before surgery
How do you deal with obstruction
ABCDE NBM IV fluid NGT to remove food and prevent vomiting Pain relief Anti-emetic Catheter Enema Ax if aspiration Correct electrolyte abnormalities Surgery = definite
Why can obstruction cause chest signs
Distended abdo presses on lungs
What must you do if on NG tube or obstructed
Changes meds to IV or SC
What is common cause of small bowel obstruction
Adhesions x
Hernia x
Stricture - IBD / radiation
When are adhesions common
Post - surgery
What are other causes
RT Intussception Ischaemia Gallstone ileus Paralytic ileus Foreign body TB
How does small bowel obstruction present
Same Tend to have vomiting earlier Pain higher in abdo Distension less Central distension and increases as lower down Distension in flanks if colonic
What is important when looking at vomit
Bile = suggest past gall bladder
Bright green = proximal
Dark = distal
How do you Dx
AXR plays a key role in bowel obstruction
Gastrografin for level
CT abdo if unclear
What does AXR show in small bowel
Valvulae go all the way across
Dilated bowel
What does CT show
Dilated loops of small bowel
What else is important
ECG for electrolyte imbalance
Why is oxygen impaired
What is general management
ABC Oxygen Analgesia Correct hypovolaemia / electrolyte - IV fluid NG to reduce distension NBM
What should you do regular
Assess fluid
What should you always do if vomiting
Abdo exam
Check for hernia
Complications of small bowel obstruction
Inection Sepsis Necorsis Hypovolaemia 3rd space fluid loss Shock Increased hydrostatic pressure = oedema and ischaemia Increased mucosal permeability Fluid and Electrolyte disturbances Dehydration leading to AKI Renal failure Stragnualtion Peritonitis Perforation
What does dehydration cause
What is strangulation
Intestinal obstruction with persistent interference of blood supply