Obstetrics + Gynaecology Flashcards
What is the standard testing regime for downs syndrome in pregnancy?
Combined test done between 11 - 13 + 6 weeks
Nuchal translucency, serum BHCG, PAPP A
What result of the combined test suggests an increased risk of downs syndrome?
High HCG, Low PAPP A, Thickened nuchal translucency
What screening test for down syndrome is offerred to women who book later in pregnancy?
Quadruple test
- AFP, Unconjugates oestriol, Human chorionic gonadotrophin and inhibin A
In pre natal testing for downs syndrome what is classed as higher or lower chance?
Low chance - 1 in 150 or more
High chance 1 in 150 or less
What test is offerred to women who have a higher chance of down syndrome on initial prenatal screening?
Non invasive prenatal screening (NIPT)
What is the triad of symptoms in pre eclampsia?
New onset hypertension (over 140/90 after 20 weeks of pregnancy)
What is the formal definition of pre eclampsia
New onset hypertension (over 140/90 after 20 weeks of pregnancy)
Other organ involvement - renal, liverm neurological
Risk factors for pre eclampsia
Hypertension in a previous pregnancy, CKD, Autoimmune disease, diabetes, Existing hypertension,
Also - age over 40, pregnancy interval of more than 10 years, high BMI, family history, multiple pregnancy
What medication can be given to reduce the risk of pre eclampsia?
Aspirin 75mg OD
When is aspirin advised during pregnancy to reduce risk of pre eclampsia
Women with more than 1 high risk factor or more than 2 moderate risk factors
What level of proteinuria is considered significant in pregnancy?
over 30mg/mmol
Over what blood pressure in late pregnancy is a women usually admitted for inpatient care (according to NICE guidelines)?
What is the first line drug treatment for pre eclampsia?
Management of obstetric cholestasis
Induction of labour at 37 - 38 weeks
Ursodeoxycholic acid
Vitamin K
What causes obstetric cholestasis
Impaired flow of bile causing a build up of bile salts which are then depositied in the skin and placenta.