Dermatomes/Nerve Roots Flashcards
L3 Nerve Root Compression
Sensory loss over anterior thigh
Weak hip flexion, knee extension and hip adduction
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
L4 nerve root compression
Sensory loss anterior aspect of knee and medial malleolus
Weak knee extension and hip adduction
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
L5 Nerve Root Compression
Sensory loss dorsum of foot
Weakness in foot and big toe dorsiflexion
Reflexes intact
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
S1 Nerve root compression
Sensory loss posterolateral aspect of leg and lateral aspect of foot
Weakness in plantar flexion of foot
Reduced ankle reflex
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
C4 dermatome
Over the AC joint
C5 dermatome
Regimental badge patch
C6 dermatome
Palmar side of the thumb
Palmar side of the middle finger
C8 dermatome
Palmar side of the little finger
T1 dermatome
Medial aspect of the AC fossa (inside of the arm)
T4 dermatome
T10 dermatome
L1 dermatome
Inguinal region and the very top of the medial thigh
L2 dermatome
Middle and lateral aspect of the anterior thigh
L3 dermatome
Medial epicondyle of the femur