Gastroenterology Flashcards
Hepatitis B status:
- Anti HBs positive. All other tests negative
Previous immunisation
Hepatitis B status:
- Anti HBc positive. HBsAg negative
Previous infection not a carrier
Hepatitis status: Anti Hbc IgG positive, HbsAg positive. Negative anti HbC IgM and anti Hbs
Chronic Hep B infection
Treatment of recurrent C Diff within 12 weeks of symptom resolution
Investigation of choice for suspected perianal fistulae
MRI pelvis - used to etermine whether the fistula is simple or complex
Antibodies present in Primary biliary cholangitis
Anti mitochondrial antibodies
Management of primary biliary cholangitis
Urseodeoxycholic acid
What is barrats oesophagus?
Metaplasia of the lower oesophageal mucosa with the squamous epithelium being replaced by columnar epithelium
What is the most common extra intestinal feature in crohns disease and ulcerative colitis?
In Crohns and UC which extrarticular manifestations are related to disease activity.
Arthritis (asymmetrical)
Erythema nodosum
In crohns and UC what extracurricular manifestations are unrelated to disease activity
Arthritis (symmetrical)
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
First line test for H Pylori
Urea breath test.
What test can be used to confirm H Pylori eradication
Urea breath test
What cancer are yoy at increased risk of if you have coeliac disease
Enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma of the small intestine
What is the double duct sign on MRCP and what does it mean?
Dilatation of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct – indicitive of pancreatic cancer