Obstetrics Flashcards
Causes of third-trimester bleeding
- Abruptio placenta
- Placenta previa
- Vasa previa
- Uterine rupture
Toxoplasmosis triad
- Chorioretinitis
- Intracranial calcification
- Hydrocephalus
Treatment of maternal varicella
Oral acyclovir for mom
VariZIG to mother and mom
Congenital varicella
IV acyclovir and variZIG on neonate
Congenital Rubella
Deafness Cataracts mental retardation Hepatosplenomegaly Thrombocytopena Blueberry muffin Rash
Most common congenital syndrome in US
- microcephaly
- Corioretinitis
give GANCICLOVIR or foscarner prevents viral shedding and prevents hearing loss but does not cure the infection
Congenital CMV
Intrauterine growth restriction prematurity MICROCEPHALY jaundice petechiae hepatosplenomegaly PERIVENTRICULAR CALSIFICATIONS Chorioretinitis Pnuemonitis
Treat with ganciclovir or foscarnet(prevent hearing loss)
treatment for septic abortion
D&C and IV levofloxacin and metronidazole
Most common cause of spontaneous abortion
Chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo or fetus
Complication of prolonged(>2 weeks) fetal demise
Indication for methotrexate
Absence of the fetal heart motion
B-HCG level <6000
No history of folic supplementation
Indication for steroids for lung maturity in pregnancy
28-34 week
indication for cerclage
12-14 weeks
Remove at 36-37
<10 percentile
Symmetrical IUGR
- Aneuploidy
- Infection
- Structural anomalies
Asymmetric IUGR
- Hypertension
- Small vessel
- Malnutrition
- Tabacco, Alcohol, street drugs
- Infarction
- Abruption
- Twin-Twin transfusion
- Velamentous cord insertion
4000-4,500 gr
> 34 weeks —> Iniate delivery
24-34 ———->Hospitalize, IM bethamethasone,cervical cultures,Prophylactic ampicillin and erythromycin for 7 days.
Normal Baseline FHR
110-160 beats/minute
What does Variable acceleration mean
Umbilical cord compression or fetal acidosis
what does Late Decelerations mean
Uteroplacental insufficiency or fetal acidosis
Fetal PH
Indication for Cesarean
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Fetal malpresentation
- Nonreassuring EFM strip
- Placenta previa (<2 cm)
- Infection: mother with HIV or active vaginal herpes
- Uterine scar
the optimal time for External cephalic version
37 weeks
most common cause of excessive postpartum bleeding
Uterine atony
Give massage and uterotonic agent
Postpartum fever
PP day 0:Atelectasis
PP day 1:UTI
PP day 2-3:Endometitis(IV genta + Clinda)
PP day 4-5:Wound infection
PP day 5-6:Septic thrombophlebitis
PP day 7-21: Infectious mastitis (antistaphilococal penicillin) or cefalexin.
severe bipolar mania treatment during pregnancy
Gestational age for external cephalic version
37 weeks
Antiepileptics drugs in pregnancy
DO NOT !!! stop antiepileptic drugs
most importan risk factor for plancetan accreta
previous C- Section
Vasa previa Classic case
Rupture of membranes
Painless vaginal bleeding
Fetal bradycardia
inidication for antibiotic en GBS during pregnancy
Preterm delivery
Membrane rupture>18
Maternal fever
Previos baby with GBS sepsis
rubella inmmunization during pregnancy
treatment of choice for symptomatic hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
TReatment of grave`s in pregnancy
First Trimester=PTU
Second an Third=Methimazole
indication for medical abortion
ONLY WITHIN 63 of amenorrhea
-Mifepristone and misoprostol
D&C Before 13 weeks
Expontaneous abortion definition
<500 gt or <20 weeks of gestation
Fetal demise definition
> 20 weeks(Loss of fetal movements)
Most common risk factor for Ectopic pregnancy
Duration active phase of dilation
Prolongation: -<1.2cm/h -<1.5 cm/h Arrest: -No cervical cahnge in> 2h
first line contraception in adolescents
copper or progestin intrauterine devices