Hematology Flashcards
<p>CLL treatment for stage 2,3,4 leukemia</p>
<p>Fludarabine combinend with rituximab(most likely to extend survival)</p>
-Alentuzumab and ibrutinib for fludarabine failures.
<p>Hairy cell leukemia treatment</p>
<p>Cladribine (2-CDA)</p>
<p>most common cause of death in myeloma multiple</p>
<p>Infection and renal failure</p>
<p>Prognosis indicator for Multiple myelomas</p>
<p>Beta 2 microglobulin level</p>
<p>aplastic anemia treatment</p>
<p><50: bone marrow transplant
| >50:anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine</p>
<p>lymphoma treatment</p>
<p>Stage I and II: Radiation and chemo
Stage III and IV: Chemo
HL:ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine)
NHL:CHOP + rituximab( if CD20+)
<p>ITP treatment
| </p>
<p><20,000= IVIG
| >20,000=prednisone</p>
<p>Exchange transfusion indication in neonatal hyperbili</p>
<p>>20 or kernicterus </p>
<p>osteomyelitis treatment in G6PD deficiency</p>
<p>Ceftria + Clinda or vanco</p>
<p>neonatal polycythenmia</p>
<p>Causes of aplastic anema
| Can Make New Blood Cells Properly</p>
<p>Carbamazepine Metimazol NSAIDs Benzeno Cloranfenicol Propilthiuracilo </p>
<p>diference between Iron deficiency anemia and chornic diesease anemia</p>
<p>Iron def: Elevated RDW
| CDA:low TIBC and High ferritin</p>
<p>-Iron studies in thalasemia</p>
| </p>
<p>best inial study for anema</p>
<p>CBC with peripheral blood smear</p>
<p>first step in patient with sickle cell disease and fever</p>
| -Ceftrixone,levoflox or moxi</p>
<p>indications for exchange transfusion in sickle cell anemia</p>
- Retinal infraction
- Pulmonary infection
- Priapism</p>
<p>most accurate test for Autoimmune hemolysis</p>
<p>-Coombs test</p>
<p>Cold agglutinins hemolysis</p>
<p>Mycoplasma or EBV Coombs NEGATIVE </p> complement test is positive GIVE RITUXIMAB
best initial test for G6PD def.
HEiz body test, bite cells.
Hereditary spherocytosis findings
elevated MCHC
most accurate test for Hereditary spherocytopsis
Initial treatment for AML
Idarubicin(or daunorubicin) and arabinoside.
Plus ATRA if M3
high hematocrit, low MCV with LOW erythropoietin level
best inial test for lymphoma
Excisional lymph node biopsy
best initial test for VWD
Ristocetin cofactor assay
Von willebrands factor
VWD treatmetn
3-.Factor VIII
4-.Reconvinant VWF
Hemophilia best initial test
Mixing study, then specifica factor lever
treatmetn for Warfarin overdose
PCC(Prothrombin complex concentrate)
45 yo patient with GERD SYMPTOMS
Treatment for AML
Idarubicin(or daunorubicin) + cystosine arabinoside + ATRA(in m3)
treatment for CML
- imatinib
- Dasatinib and nilotinib for non responders
treamtnet for policithemia vera
- Phlebotomy
- hydroxyurea
- Ruxolitinib is uses when hydroxiurea fails.
most common type of Hodkin lymphoma
Nodular sclerosing type
autoinmmune anemia treatmetn( IgG)
hereditary spherocytosis
elevated MCHC>36
AML treatment
idarubicin(or daunorubicin) + ATRA
- Fludarabine + rituximab
- añemtuzumab and ibrutinib for failures
treat only if anemia,trombocypenia or splenomegaly
CML treatmetrn
Essentia trombocytopenia treatment
Hydroxyurea (firts line)