Objective 6.1 Exchange 2010 Flashcards
Objective 6.1: Create and configure the Database Availability Group (DAG)
The exam might expect you to know that a DAG is a collection of up to ______ Exchange 2010 Mailbox servers, for which there is less than a 500 ms round-trip delay between any two servers, and that DAGs provide automatic mailbox database failover in the event of database, server, or network failure.
You should know that an Exchange 2010 organization can host multiple DAGs, but a server can be a member of ______ DAG.
only one
You can create a new DAG by accessing the New Database Availability Group dialog box in the EMC. In this instance, an IPv4 or IPv6 address is assigned automatically to the DAG through DHCP. You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet and specify the virtual IP address.
The following command creates a new DAG named DAG-ALPHA with the virtual IP address, using the witness server ht.adatum.com and the directory c:\witness:
New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup –Name DAG-ALPHA –DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpAddresses –WitnessServer ‘ht.adatum.com’ –WitnessDirectory ‘c:\witness’
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet with the ReplicationPort parameter to configure the replication port for a DAG.
You need to know what steps to take to configure a server as a witness server. You should be aware that a ______ is a file share residing on a server outside the DAG that ensures quorum availability in the cluster.
File share witness (FSW)
The exam might test that you know that the witness server should be a ______ server that does not have the Mailbox role installed.
Hub Transport
Witness servers should have the following properties: ______.
- The witness server cannot be a member of a DAG.
- The witness server must be a member of the same Active Directory forest as the DAG.
- Although a single server can function as a witness for multiple DAGs, each DAG must have a unique witness directory.
- If the witness server is not an Exchange 2010 server, it is necessary to add the Exchange Trusted Subsystem universal security group to the local Administrators group on the witness server.
The DAG creation process will search for a Hub Transport server that does not have the ______ server role installed and automatically create the default directory and share, configuring it as the witness server.
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to reconfigure the witness server and witness directory for a DAG. You can also use the EMC and edit the DAG Properties dialog box.
You should be aware that, regardless of its geographic location, each member of a DAG must have round-trip network latency no greater than ______ ms between itself and any other member, and that as the round-trip latency between two Mailbox servers in a DAG increases, the potential for replication not being up to date also increases.
In Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 RTM, the maximum replication latency is ______ ms. This increases to 500 ms for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 and SP2.
The exam might test that you are aware that a lagged mailbox database copy is a mailbox database copy that reflects the state of the active mailbox database copy up to ______ days previously.
You should know how to take advantage of lagged mailbox database copies to ______ corrupt data without having to restore from backup.
You use the EMS ______ cmdlet with the ReplayLagTime and TruncationLagTime parameters to create a lagged mailbox database copy.
The following command adds a copy of a mailbox database named DB-MyMail to mailbox DAG member VAN-EX1 with a lag time of 14 days and a truncation lag time of 7 days: ______.
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy –Identity DB-MyMail –MailboxServer VAN-EX1 –ReplayLagTime 14.00:00:00 –TruncationLagTime 7.00:00:00
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to modify replay lag time and log truncation lag time.
The following command reconfigures mailbox database DB-OtherMail, hosted on server VAN-EX2, with a replay lag time of 10 days and a log truncation lag time of 5 days: ______.
Set-MailboxDatabaseCopy –Identity DB-OtherMail\VAN-EX2 –ReplayLagTime 10.00:00:00 –TruncationLagTime 5.00:00:00