Objective 2.3 Exchange 2010 Flashcards
Objective 2.3: Create and configure resource mailboxes and shared mailboxes.
You can use the EMC ______ Wizard or the ______ cmdlet to create an equipment mailbox
New Mailbox,
The following command creates a new Equipment mailbox named ElectronMicroscope that is hosted on mailbox database MBX-DB01: ______.
New-Mailbox –UserPrincipalName electronmicroscope@adatum.com –Alias “electron microscope” –Name ElectronMicroscope –Database MBX-DB01 –OrganizationalUnit Users -Equipment
You can convert a mailbox by using the ______ cmdlet. For example, the following command converts the DeepFreeze mailbox (currently a room mailbox) to an equipment mailbox and retains all the messages currently in the mailbox: ______.
Set-Mailbox DeepFreeze –Type Equipment
Exchange 2003 can use shared mailboxes to represent resources. If you migrate these mailboxes to Exchange 2010, they retain their mailbox type, and you typically need to ______ them to resource mailboxes.
You can use the ______ cmdlet to convert one type of mailbox to another type. For example, the following command converts the shared mailbox ElectronMicroscope to an equipment mailbox: ______.
Set-Mailbox ElectronMicroscope –Type Equipment
Understand the difference between a user mailbox, a shared mailbox, a resource mailbox, and a linked mailbox, and remember that you can use the ______ but not the ______ to convert a mailbox.
You can use the ______ cmdlet to create a room mailbox. For example, the following command creates a new room mailbox named MeetingRoomA that is hosted on mailbox database MBX-DB-01 in the Adatum.com forest: ______.
New-Mailbox –UserPrincipalName MeetingRoomA@adatum.com –Alias “Meeting Room A” –Name MeetingRoomA –Database MBX-DB-01 –OrganizationalUnit Users -Room
Some properties, such as Resource Capacity, can be configured in the resource mailbox Properties dialog box or by using the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. For example, the following command sets the resource capacity of Room mailbox MeetingRoomA to 30: ______.
Set-Mailbox MeetingRoomA –ResourceCapacity 30
Most resource mailbox configuration tasks are performed by using the EMS ______ cmdlet.
You can use the EMC or the EMS Set-CalendarProcessing cmdlet with the AllBookInPolicy, AllRequestInPolicy, AllRequestOutOfPolicy, BookInPolicy, RequestInPolicy, and RequestOutOfPolicy parameters to configure In-Policy request and Out-of-Policy request settings. For example, using the following command, all users can submit In-Policy requests for MeetingRoomA. The request is still subject to approval by a delegate: ______.
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity “MeetingRoomA” -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AllRequestInPolicy $true
With the following command, the Calendar Attendant can accept Out-of-Policy requests from Brian Perry in the contoso.com organization for “MeetingRoomA”. The request is still subject to approval by a delegate: ______.
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity “MeetingRoomA” -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -RequestOutOfPolicy BrianPerry@contoso.com
You can add one or more delegates by editing the mailbox properties in the EMC or by using the EMS ______ cmdlet. For example, the following command sets Don Hall as the delegate for the resource mailbox LectureRoomA: ______.
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity “LectureRoomA” -ResourceDelegates “DonHall@adatum.com”
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to set Full-Access permissions to a resource mailbox schedule. For example, the following command grants Kim Akers Full-Access permissions to the schedule for the ElectronMicroscope equipment mailbox: ______.
Add-MailboxPermission -AccessRights FullAccess -Identity ElectronMicroscope -User “Kim Akers”
To allow users to access a resource mailbox and control the scheduling options, you configure the mailbox properties and add the users as ______.
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to configure resource mailbox properties. For example, you can modify calendar-related processing configuration properties for the target mailbox, which include Calendar Attendant, Resource Booking Assistant, and calendar configuration. The following command sets a maximum booking window of 50 days and a maximum booking duration of 2 hours for the Auditorium resource mailbox: ______.
Set-CalendarProcessing Auditorium –BookingWindowsInDays 50 –MaximumDurationInMinutes 120