Objective 2.5 Exchange 2010 Flashcards
Objective 2.5: Create and configure public folders.
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to create a public folder. For example, the following command creates a new public folder named Child-Folder under the existing public folder Parent-Folder on server gla-ex1.contoso.com: ______.
New-PublicFolder –Name ‘Child-Folder’ –Path ‘\Parent-Folder’ –Server ‘gla-ex1.contoso.com’
You can mail-enable a public folder by using the ______ Console from the EMC Toolbox node. You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet. For example, the following command mail-enables the Sales public folder: ______.
Public Folder Management,
Enable-MailPublicFolder –Identity “\Sales”
You can configure deleted item retention time in the public folder ______ dialog box, which you can access from the Public Folder Management Console. You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet for this purpose. For example, the following command sets the deleted item retention time to 20 days on the public folder MyPublicFolder: ______.
Set-PublicFolder –Identity “MyPublicFolder” –RetainDeletedItemsFor 20.00:00:00 –UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults $false
You can use the ______ cmdlet to configure public folder message size limits. For example, the following command sets a 1 MB item size limit on the public folder Sales: ______
Set-PublicFolder –Identity ‘\Sales’ –MaxItemSize 1MB –UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
You can use the ______ cmdlet to configure the maximum receive size for a mail-enabled public folder. For example, the following command configures the Sales public folder with a maximum receive size of 1 MB for items sent to the folder through email: ______.
Set-MailPublicFolder –Identity ‘\Sales’ –MaxReceiveSize 1MB
To configure age limits, you use the ______ cmdlet (not the Get-PublicFolder cmdlet). For example, the following command sets the age limit for the Sales public folder to 28 days: ______.
Set-PublicFolder –Identity ‘Sales’ –AgeLimit 28 –UseDatabaseAgeDefaults $false
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to view the size of items and attachments in a public folder. For example, the following command displays the statistics for the public folder Sales: ______.
Get-PublicFolderItemStatistics –Identity “/Sales”
You can use the ______ (not the Get-PublicFolderItemStatistics) cmdlet to configure warning and maximum size quotas for a public folder. You can use this cmdlet to configure the IssueWarningQuota and ProhibitPostQuota parameters.
You can create public folders by using the Outlook or ______ email client.
The eight (8) Exchange 2010 pre-defined public folder roles and associated rights are as follows: ______.
- Owner,
- PublishingEditor,
- Editor,
- PublishingAuthor,
- Author,
- Non-EditingAuthor,
- Reviewer,
- Contributor.
To view administrative permissions settings on public folders, you use the EMS ______ cmdlet. To view client permissions settings, you use the EMS ______ cmdlet. For example, the following command displays administrative access rights for the Company-Policy public folder: ______.
Get-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission –Identity “\Company-Policy” | FL
You use the EMS ______ cmdlet to assign client permissions to a public folder. For example, the following command grants Andy Jacobs the PublishingEditor permission to the Company-Policy public folder: ______.
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission –Identity “\Company-Policy” –AccessRights PublishingEditor –User “Andy Jacobs”
There are two methods by which you can grant users administrative permissions to public folder. You can add the user to the ______ role group or you can use the EMS ______ cmdlet. For example, the following command adds Julian Isla to the Public Folder Management role group: ______.
Public Folder Management,
Add-RoleGroupMember –Identity “Public Folder Management” –Member “Julian Isla”
You can use the ECP to add members to a management role group. To use the ECP, navigate to ______ in the EMC console, and then double-click ______. This opens the User Editor in the ECP.
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) User Editor
You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet to add members to a management role group. For example, the following command adds the Kim Akers mailbox to the Chicago Administrators role group: ______.
Add-RoleGroupMember “Chicago Administrators” -Member “Kim Akers”