Objective 2.1 Exchange 2010 Flashcards
Objective 2.1: Create and configure mailboxes.
When a user deletes items from the Deleted Items default folder on an email client, items are moved to the ______ folder, and that the duration for which deleted items remain in this folder is based on the deleted item retention settings.
Recoverable Items\Deletions
Mailboxes inherit deleted item retention settings from the ______ that hosts them. However, you can use the EMC or the EMS to configure deleted item retention settings on a ______ basis.
mailbox database,
You can configure mailbox settings by accessing the mailbox Properties dialog box in the EMC, or you can use the EMS ______ cmdlet.
The following command configures Jay Hamlin’s mailbox so that it has a deleted item retention time of 20 days: ______.
Set-mailbox jay_Hamlin –RetainDeletedItemsFor 20.00:00:00 –UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults $false
To recover a deleted message, you first search for it in the source mailbox, and then copy it to a ______ mailbox. You can restore it to the user’s mailbox by using the EMS ______ cmdlet.
The following command searches for a message (or messages) in Kim Akers’ mailbox that have been sent by Jeff Hay and contain the keyword Chicago: ______. These messages will be placed in the Discovery Search Mailbox, within the “Kim Akers Recovery” folder.
Search-Mailbox “Kim Akers” -SearchQuery “from:’ Jeff Hay’ AND chicago” -TargetMailbox “Discovery Search Mailbox” -TargetFolder “Kim Akers Recovery” -LogLevel Full
The following command restores the message (or messages) to Kim Akers’ mailbox that have been sent by Jeff Hay and contain the keyword Chicago, places them in the folder “Recovered Messages”,and deletes them from the “Discovery Search Mailbox”: ______.
Search-Mailbox “Discovery Search Mailbox” -SearchQuery “from:’ Jeff Hay’ AND “chicago” -TargetMailbox “Kim Akers” -TargetFolder “Recovered Messages” -LogLevel Full -DeleteContent
You should be aware that disabling a mailbox disconnects the mailbox from the user account, but the user account remains in ______.
Active Directory
Removing a mailbox disconnects that mailbox from its associated user account and removes the user account from ______.
Active Directory
You can disable or disconnect a mailbox by selecting the mailbox in the ______ node of EMC, and then in the Actions pane, clicking Disable or Disconnect.
Recipient Configuration\Mailbox
You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet to disable a mailbox and the EMS ______ cmdlet to remove a mailbox.
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet to connect a disconnected mailbox to an existing Active Directory account.
The following command connects the disconnected mailbox named Jeff_Hay, which was originally located in mailbox database GLA-DB01, to the Jeff_Hay user account: ______.
Connect-Mailbox –Identity “Jeff_Hay” –Database “GLA-DB01” –User “Jeff_Hay”
You can configure individual mailbox quotas on the ______ tab of the mailbox Properties dialog box. You can also use the ______ cmdlet.
Mailbox Settings,
The following command configures Jay Hamlin’s mailbox so that it has a prohibit send quota of 250 MB and a prohibit send and receive quota of 280 MB: ______.
Set-mailbox jay_Hamlin -ProhibitSendQuota 262144000 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 293601280 –UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
Remember that ______ (or specific mailbox) limits take precedence over other message size restrictions.
You can configure message size restrictions on an individual mailbox by using the EMC to edit the mailbox ______ dialog box. You can also use the ______ cmdlet.
The following command configures Jim Hance’s mailbox so that he can send messages that are a maximum of 20 MB in size and receive messages that are no more than 15 MB in size: ______.
Set-Mailbox –Identity “Jim_Hance” –MaxSendSize 20mb –MaxReceiveSize 15mb
You can use the ______ cmdlet to set message size limits on a mailbox.
The following command sets both the send message and the receive message sizes for Don Hall’s mailbox to 20 MB: ______.
Set-Mailbox -Identity “Don Hall” -MaxSendSize 20MB -MaxReceiveSize 20MB
The following command configures Jay Hamlin’s mailbox so that it has a warning quota of 200 MB: ______.
Set-mailbox jay_Hamlin -IssueWarningQuota 209715200 –UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
You ______ use Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 tools to move a mailbox to Exchange Server 2010 SP1.
If you are using the EMS, you perform a move request by using the ______ cmdlet on the target server.
In addition, if you are performing a cross forest move, the target Exchange 2010 forest must contain a valid ______ user account that has been prepared for the move.
Remember that you use the ______ cmdlet (not the Move-Mailbox cmdlet) on the target server (not the source server).
If you are moving mailboxes between an Exchange 2010 forest and a remote Exchange 2003 or 2007 forest, you must use EMS commands on the ______ server.
Exchange 2010
Remember that if you are moving mailboxes to an organization that consists of (for example) a single Exchange Server 2010 SP2 Mailbox server, this computer must also have the ______ and ______ roles installed.
Hub Transport, and
Client Access
You are expected to know that end users can access their email accounts during an online mailbox move. The user is locked out of the account only for a brief time at the ______ of the process.
You should be aware that online moves are possible only between Exchange 2010 databases and between ______ and Exchange 2010 databases.
Exchange Server 2007 SP2
When you move a mailbox from an Exchange 2003 back-end server to an Exchange 2010 mailbox server, the user ______ access the mailbox during the move.
The following command (run on the target Exchange 2010 Mailbox server) moves mailbox “DonHall@contoso.com” from the Exchange 2003 forest contoso.com (global catalog GC01.contoso.com) to the Exchange 2010 forest adatum.com (database DB02), target delivery domain mail.adatum.com: ______.
New-MoveRequest -Identity ‘DonHall@contoso.com’ -RemoteLegacy -TargetDatabase DB02 -RemoteGlobalCatalog ‘GC01.contoso.com’ -RemoteCredential $Cred -TargetDeliveryDomain ‘mail.adatum.com’
You should know that intra-org (or intra-forest) moves occur when a mailbox is moved between databases or servers within a ______ Exchange organization.
Cross-org (or cross-forest) moves occur when a mailbox is moved from one ______ to ______.
Exchange Organization,
For both intra-org and cross-org moves, you use the EMS ______ cmdlet or the EMC move mailbox functionality on the target server (assuming you are moving to an Exchange 2010 Mailbox server).
You should know that addresses added to a mailbox are known as ______ addresses.
You can configure proxy addresses by editing the mailbox ______ dialog box or by using the ______ cmdlet.
When you use the Set-Mailbox cmdlet to add an address, the existing address will be removed unless an email address ______ is in place.
The following commands add the sales@adatum.com proxy address to Brian Perry’s mailbox: ______.
$Temp = Get-Mailbox –Identity “Brian Perry”
$Temp.EmailAddresses += (“smtp:sales@adatum.com”)
Set-Mailbox –Identity “Brian Perry” –EmailAddresses $Temp.EmailAddresses
You can use the EMS ______ cmdlet with the Name parameter to create a mailbox.
Tthe following command creates a new user account and mailbox for a user named Don Hall in the contoso.com forest: ______. (Use First_Last for any identification.)
New-Mailbox –Name ‘Don Hall’ –Alias ‘Don_Hall’ –UserPrincipalName ‘Don_Hall@contoso.com’ –SamAccountName ‘Don_Hall’ –FirstName ‘Don’ –LastName ‘Hall’
The EMS ______ cmdlet lets you add an Exchange mailbox to an existing user account.
The following command adds a new Exchange mailbox to a user named Kim Akers, whose existing user account resides in the Users container of the fabrikam.com domain: ______.
Enable-Mailbox “Fabrikam.com/Users/Kim Akers”
You can enable or disable mailbox features, such as Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access, Exchange ActiveSync, POP3, IMAP4, and MAPI Access by using the EMS ______ cmdlet.
The following command disables POP3, IMAP4, and Outlook Web Access to Claus Hansen’s mailbox: ______.
Set-CASMailbox “Claus Hansen” –POPEnabled $false –ImapEnabled $false –OWAEnabled $false
There are three anti-spam stamps:
- the PCL stamp,
- the SCL stamp, and
- the Sender ID stamp.
You can use the ______ but not the ______ to configure anti-spam functionality for a mailbox.
The following command disables anti-spam processing on Don Hall’s mailbox: ______.
Set-Mailbox –Identity “Don Hall” –AntispamBypassEnabled $true
You should know that you use the EMC to configure Send-As or Full-Access permission on a mailbox by selecting the mailbox, and then in the Actions pane, clicking the ______ or ______.
Manage Send As Permission, or
Manage Full Access Permission
You can also use the EMS ______ cmdlet with the ______ parameter to configure Send-As permission.
The following command configures Don Hall’s mailbox so that Kim Akers has the Send-As permission: ______.
Add-ADPermission “Don Hall” –User “adatum\kim_akers” –Extendedrights “Send As”
You can configure Full-Access permission on a mailbox by using the EMS ______ cmdlet with the ______ parameter.
The following command grants Kim Akers Full-Access permission on Oleg Anashkin’s mailbox: ______.
Add-MailboxPermission –Identity “Oleg Anashkin” –User “adatum\Kim_Akers” –AccessRights Fullaccess –InheritenceType all
You can configure forwarding by accessing the mailbox ______ dialog box through the EMC or by using the ______ cmdlet.
The following command forwards all mail for Don Hall’s mailbox to kim_akers@adatum.com: ______.
Set-Mailbox -Identity “Don Hall” -ForwardingAddress “kim_akers@adatum.com”
The following command configures Don Hall’s mailbox so that all messages sent to it are both forwarded to Kim Aker’s mailbox and delivered to Don Hall’s mailbox: ______.
Set-Mailbox –Identity “Don Hall” –ForwardingAddress “kim_akers@adatum.com” –DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true
You should be aware that the ______ and ______ mailbox permissions are typically the most commonly configured.
Send-As, and
However, you can use the ______ cmdlet with the ______ parameter to specify other rights.
The Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet can have the following AccessRights parameter settings: ______.
- FullAccess
- SendAs
- ExternalAccount
- DeleteItem
- ReadPermission
- ChangePermission
- ChangeOwner
The following command grants Don Hall read permission to Kim Akers’ mailbox: ______.
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity “Kim Akers” -User “Don Hall” -AccessRights ReadPermission
You should know that when you link to mailboxes that are associated with external accounts, such as those located in a different forest from the one where you deployed Exchange, a ______ user account in the local forest is used as a proxy for the foreign account.
You can create linked mailboxes that are associated with external accounts and use a disabled local user account (josh_pollock) as a proxy by using the New-Mailbox cmdlet. The following command creates a linked mailbox on database GLA-DB-1 for Jeff Hay in the contoso.com domain, when his actual account resides in the trusted Fabrikam forest: ______.
New-Mailbox –Database “GLA-DB-1” –Name “Jeff Hay” –LinkedDomainController “DC01fabrikam.fabrikam.com” –LinkedMasterAccount Fabrikam\josh_pollock –OrganizationalUnit Users –UserPrincipalName josh_pollock@adatum.com
Adatum’s HR Manager, Kim Akers, is taking a month’s leave. During her absence, you want to forward all of her mail to her PA, Nancy Anderson. When Kim returns from leave, she should be able to see all the messages that were forwarded to Nancy’s email address, andersonn@adadum.com. What EMS command do you issue?
You issue the following command:
Set-Mailbox -Identity “Kim Akers” -ForwardingAddress “andersonn@adadum.com” -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true
Which EMS cmdlet is used to connect disconnected Exchange Mailboxes to Active Directory user accounts?
The Connect-Mailbox cmdlet.
Don Hall’s mailbox is in a mailbox database that has a warning quota of 150 MB, a prohibit send quota of 200 MB, and a prohibit send and receive quota of 230 MB. You do not want these quotas to apply to Don’s mailbox, but you do want them to apply to all other mailboxes in the database. What EMS command do you issue to configure Don Hall’s mailbox so that it has a warning quota of 200 MB, a prohibit send quota of 250 MB, and a prohibit send and receive quota of 280 MB?
You issue the following command:
Set-mailbox –Identity “Don Hall” -IssueWarningQuota 209715200 -ProhibitSendQuota 262144000 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 293601280 –UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
You want to move a mailbox from Mailbox server MBX01, which is running Exchange Server 2007 SP2, to Mailbox server MBX02, which is running Exchange Server 2010 SP2 installed in a typical configuration. What EMS cmdlet do you use, and on which server do you use it?
You use the New-MoveRequest cmdlet on MBX02.
You have configured the first server running Windows Server 2010 SP2 in your Windows Exchange Server 2003 SP2 organization. You have deployed the Client Access and Mailbox server roles on the new server. You want to transfer a mailbox from an Exchange 2003 back-end server to the new server and ensure that the mailbox owner has an email service when the transfer is complete. What additional configuration is required on the new server before you transfer the mailbox?
You need to deploy the Hub Transport server role.