Objective 5.5-5.12 Flashcards
the process that begins when
one party perceives that another
party has negatively affected, or
is about to negatively affect,
something that they care about
within a person
intrapersonal conflict
Occurs between and among patients, family members, nurses
physicians, and members of other departments
interpersonal conflict
When disagreement between policies, procedures, personnel
codes of conduct, or accepted norms of behavior and patterns of
organizational conflict
An act of aggression that is perpetrated by one
colleague towards another colleague. “Psychologic harassment”`
horizontal/lateral conflict
Between individuals that are on a higher and lower scale
vertical conflict
Aggressive and
destructive behavior or psychological
harassment of one or more nurses
against others
lateral violence
Closely related to lateral or
horizontal violence but involves a real
or perceived power differential
between the instigator and recipient.
what are the causes of conflict
unclear roles
desire for scarce resources
distancing mechanisms
unifying mechanisms
percieved conflict or felt conflict
unresolved conflict from prior conflict
what are the stages of conflict
o Frustration
o Conceptualization
o Action
o Outcomes
o When people or groups perceive that their goals may be
blocked, frustration results.
o Can escalate into stronger emotions, such as anger and deep
resignation. This often distracts employees from thriving in their
o When such frustrations occur, it is a cue to stop and clarify the
nature and cause of the differences.
frustration stage
o Conflict arises when there are different interpretations of a situation,
including a different emphasis on what is important and what is not,
and different thoughts about what should occur next.
o Everyone involved develops an idea of what the conflict is about, and
individual views may or may not be accurate.
o These interpretations are dissimilar and involve the person’s own
perspective, which is based on emotional transference based on past
experiences, values, beliefs, and attitudes
conceptualization stage
o A behavioral response to a conflict follows the
o May include seeking clarification about how another person
views the conflict, collecting additional information that informs
the issue, or engaging in dialogue about the issue.
o Successful resolution frequently stems from identifying a
common goal that unites individuals (e.g., quality patient care,
good working relations).
action stage
o Tangible and intangible consequences result from actions taken and have
significant implications for the work setting.
o Either the conflict is approached with a goal of resolving or at minimum
collaboratively managing, or it is avoided and therefore unresolved.
o Assessing the degree of conflict resolution is useful for improving individual
and group skills in resolutions.
outcomes stage
why do we need conflict resolution?
Unresolved conflict
o Wastes time and energy
o Reduces productivity
o Hinders cooperation
o Produces stress
what are the approaches to conflict resolution?
o Avoidance
o Accommodating via Obliging
o Competing via Dominating
o Compromising
o Collaborating via Integrating
very unassertive and
uncooperative. Individuals who
avoid neither pursue their own
needs, goals or concerns
immediately nor assist others to
pursue theirs. The conflict is
postponed or prolonged which can
escalate frustration and
disagreements among team
avoidance or withdrawing
neglect their own needs, goals and
concerns (passive), while trying to satisfy
accomodating via obliging
pursue their own needs and goals at the
expense of others.
o You do need to stand up for your own
rights and defending important
competing via dominating
Involves assertive and cooperation by
everyone and requires maturity and confidence
compromising n
is a learned skill and allows each side to meet
their own most important priority
Group working together to achieve a
common goal. The focus is on sharing
ideas and experiences to produce the
best outcome
collaborating via integrating
o The needs, feelings, and desires of both
parties is taken into consideration
o Is assertive and cooperative
o Both parties end up feeling satisfied
win-win situation
o You withdraw from the situation or try
to remain neutral
o Is unassertive and uncooperative
o Both parties end up feeling frustrated
and angry
lose-lose situation
o You use force or power in a situation
o Is aggressive and uncooperative
win-lose situation
o The boss is always right
o Employees don’t try to resolve the
o Destroys employee initiative
win-yield situation
o Involvement of an independent person
for conflict resolution.
o Learned skill with advanced training or
o Separating people from the problem,
focusing on interests, inventing options,
and insisting on using objective criteria.
Sending and receiving of messages that leads to a
process of creating meaning in our interactions
and relationship
o Critical communication skill
o Listening is challenging but is
one of the strongest
communication skills a person
can have in any setting
o Helps identify emotions of
another person so you can
respond appropriately
o Barriers to effective listening
include confusing message,
anxiety, fatigue/hunger,
interruptions, too many tasks
listening skills
what is SBAR
situation background assessment recommendation
o Listening visually
o Nonspecific communication that
transmits info
o Observing behavior, appearance, and
attitude of person speaking
o Noticing movements, where and how
the person is standing, type of
language used, cultural attributes
o Nonverbal cues are honest and
nonverbal communication
o Avoid “fight-or-flight” response
o Stop and listen actively
o Be proactive instead of reactive
negative or hostile communication
o There are no dumb questions
o Review syllabus first to see if question is answered
o Faculty enjoy students with questioning minds
o Ask for clarification on concepts and assignments
questioning skills
Desire to have them, ask questions, listen to answers, and
express interest
friendly converation
o Apply listening, questioning, and
friendly conversation
o Think before speaking
o Be quiet and gentle – be sensitive to
the environment
o Ask only appropriate questions
o Do not talk about patients or
families inappropriately
o Be respectful in communication
o Find out what you don’t know
communication principles
o Is a goal-directed, focused
dialogue between LPN and
client, specifically fitted to
health-related goals/needs of
o Has a specific purpose &
focus (goal)
o Should be empathetic
therapeutic communication
o Consequence of/response to an event or
o Can be negative or positive
o Job stress – can lead to burnout
o Personal stress
o Individuals respond to stress differently
o Need to find a way that works to cope
with stress in your daily life
o A method of stress prevention or reduction
o Be organized or go with the flow
o The appropriate use of tools, techniques, and principles to control
time spent on low-priority needs and to ensure that time is invested in
activities leading toward achieving desired, high priority goals
o Affected by : Doing too much, Inability to say No, Procrastination,
Complaining, Perfectionism, Interruptions, Disorganization, and Too
much information
o Goal setting, setting priorities, organization, managing information,
delegation and time tools help to achieve time management
time management