objective 5.13-5.17 Flashcards
is the opportunity to
alter the flow of events in
your life, the life of your
patients, or of an organization
what are the types of chnage?
what are seven habits by Covey?
- Be proactive
- Begin with the end in mind
- Put first things first
- Think “win-win”
- Seek first to understand and
then to be understood - Synergize
- Sharpen the saw
what affects our perception of change?
o Fear
o Comfortable pew
o Past experiences
o Expected outcome
Fear of the unknown
Loss of control
Comfortable where you are
Life seems good right now
comfortable pew
What has been tried in the past
past expierences
What you expect will happen
expected outcomes
Psychological process people go through to come to
terms with a new situation
what are features of transition
o A phase of turmoil
o Disturbances in bodily function
o Mood and cognitive changes
o An altered time perception
what are types of transition?
o Developmental
o Situational
o Organizational
o Health-illness
what are factors influencing transition?
o Meanings
o Expectations
o Level of knowledge or skill
o Environment
o Level of planning
o Emotional and physical well-
what are the stages of transition?
o Ending
o Neutral Zone
o Beginning
o Letting go (feelings of loss)
o Feelings of insecurity, uncertainty,
o Need to acknowledge losses and allow grieving
ending stage
o Emotional wilderness
o Core of the transition period
o Feelings of self-doubt, confusion, fear
o Most challenging
o Is there opportunity or danger?
o Need to stay the course
o Best time for renewal, creativity, self development
neutral zone
o Have an enlarged comfort zone
o Feelings of hope
o You are positive, motivated
o Need to embrace a new set of opportunities which enables you
to reach out, take risks, and enlarge your comfort zone
beginning stage
what does successful transition require?
o Building relationships
o Communication
o Self-awareness
what are types of workplace change?
change by drift
o Requires a change agent
o Someone who initiates, motivates and implements change
planned change
o Unplanned change
o Caused by imbalances in the system
o Individuals are not well informed
o There is often resistance and hostility
accidental change
A methodology to systematically transform existing conditions to a
more equitable and just situation.
change theory
Is the creation of a synergistic alliance
that honours and utilizes each person’s
contribution to create collective wisdom
and collective action
First element in creating
collaborative relationships is to
identify allies across and within
groups who may have an
interest in the proposed
change. Need to engage them
as partners in the change
developing partnerships
o Second element of creating collaborative
o Not possible to talk about leading change
without talking about power
o Nurses leading change need to be aware
of power dynamics, understand how they
operate and know how to negotiate power
effectively for inclusivity and positive
social change to occur.
negotiating power
o Third element of creating collaborative
o A conscious choice to commit time,
resources, and energy to a change
o Demands engagement
is a process that requires that we consistently
and critically question our assumptions that underlie our
customary, habitual ways of being, thinking and acting in
everyday life and work
critical thinking
o Third component in the relational emancipatory framework
o The relationship between experience, theory, reflection, and
o Looks at “societal good”
o Change agents require critical reflexivity to view situations
from a variety of perspectives and to try out changes that have
been agreed upon by the team
reflection in action
Nurses leading change using this relational emancipatory
change framework create and implement change through
iterative cycles of reflecting, planning, and acting that are based
upon relational and emancipatory values. Through this process
change is planned and operationalized
the change process
what are the 6 phases of the change process?
- Initiation
- Reflection and Planning
- Action
- Critiquing, Reflecting, and
Planning - Follow-up Action
- Subsequent Cycles
Nurses who lead change face two immediate tasks: to identify
and engage key stakeholders and to gain clarity about the issue
or problematic condition to be changed.
o Stakeholder is one who had a stake in the intended goal or aim
of the change process
o With the team established and issue or condition to be
changed identified, through team collaboration, the group turns
its attention to establishing group processes and norms
initiation phase
o The team develops and articulates the
purpose and goals of the change process
o Answers the question: What are we trying to
o Identify experiental and propositional
knowledge: knowledge from our experiences
and knowledge from the literature
o Identifies goals to focus its change project
reflection and planning phase
This phase is critical as it involves social action in the everyday
practice of nursing
o Team implements the identified components from the
conceptual map or model and tries them out in practice
o Team is putting it’s propositional knowledge up against its
practical knowledge
o Collect evidence of the impact of change in practice in this
action phase
o Team critiques what is learned from trying out planned change in
o Reflect on what they learned in practice (Practical knowledge) in relation
to how they conceptualized the change (propositional knowledge)
o Reflects on its experiences and plans for the next action phase.
o Looks at: What do we need to know more about? What other changes do
we need to try? What strategies can we sue to understand and monitor
these changes
critiquing, relfecting, and planning phase
o Team implements the agreed-upon
activities to initiate further change in
practice and continues to monitor the
o Integrates prior learning and critical
reasoning and reflection
follow-up action phase
o A series of cycles are carried out following the same format
o 3-5 cycles are usually sufficient to bring about transformational
subsequent cycles phase