nyfw Flashcards
define discrimination
occurs when someone is denied a job or job assignment for reasons that are revelant
define prejudice
making judgments having negative attidues about a person from a diverse group
explain graphic rating scale
- uses checklists or traits or charateristics to evaluate performance
- relatively quick & easy to use
- however issue of questionable reliability & validality
explain behaviour anchared rating scale (bars)
- describe actual behaviours that exemplify various levels of performance achivent in a job
- more reliable & valid than graphic rating scales
- helpful in training people to master job skills
explain multi-person comparisons
- formally compare one persons performance with that of one or others
- types of multi person comparisons
- ranting ordering
- paired comparisons
- foced distrubutions
explain peer appraisal
- occurs when people who work regularly & directly with a job holder are invloved in appraisal
explain 360 degree feedback
- occurs when superiors, subordinates, peers & even internal & external customers invloved in the appraisal of job holders performance
explian upward appraisial
occurs when subordinates reporting to the jobholder are invloved in the aprasisal
explian human capital
- is the economic value of people with job relevant abiilites knowledge ideas energies and commitments
explain mentoring
- assigns earsly career employees as proteges to more senior ones
explian modelling
- uses personal behaviour to demonstrates the performance expected of others
explain recruitment
- set of activites designed to attract a qualified pool of job aplicants
explain internal recruitment + example
- canididates are sought from within the organization ( posting in a work room or email employees
explian external recruitment + example
candaites are sought from outsides the hiring organization (ad in a newspaper)
explain effective communication
- intended meaning of sender = interpreted meaning of receiver
effecient communication
- occurs at a minimum resources cost in terms of resources
explain fiedlers contegiency model
- determined that good leadership depends on a good mix between leadership styles and situational demands
- believes leadership style
- task motivated leaders
- realtionship motivates leader
explain hersey model
- leaders adjust their styles depending on the readiness of there followers to perrformance in a given situation
define the six diffrent types of pwer
reward power, coercive power, legitamate power, person power, expert power, referent power, relationtional power
reward power
- capable of offering something of value
coercive power
- capable of delvering punishment on the holding positive outcomes
legitimate power
- organizational position or status confers the right to control
person power
- based on the unique personal quailites that a person brings to a leadership situation sources of personal power
expert power
capacity to influence others because of ones knowledge and skills
referent power
capacity to influence others because they admire you and want to identify positivity
relational power
- the ability to function well as a team working towards a collective goal
define the communication process
- interpersonal process of sending and reciving symbols with messages attached to them
verbal communication
define communication barriers
failure to reconize non verbal signals
- examples: gestures, facial experssions & pody postures
- mixed messges (words and non verbal signals communication of diffrent things
- what is a way we communicate non verbally everyday
physical distractions
- include interruptions from telephone cals, drop in, visitors etc
- can interfere with the effectiveness of a communication attempt
- can be avioded/ minimized through propper planning
status effect
- when an organizations hiearchy of authority a barrier to effective communication
- filtering - internalization distortion of information to make it apperar favourable to the recipent
define nonverbal
ethical leadership
define physical distractions
Define status effects
define ethical
ethical leaderhsip adhers to moral standards meeting the rest of good rather than bad and right rather than wrong
describe decision making tools
define authority
define consulitave
define noise
semantic problems (how worlds are interpreted)
absence of feedback not having the oppurtunites to correct impressions
improper channels
physical distractions
cultural diffrences
describe what messages work best for written and spoken channels
- are complex to diffcult to convert
- attempt to create a supportive inspirational climate
explian social loafing
- the tendency of peop;e to aviod reposnsibility by free riding in groups
define formal
offically reconized and supported by the organization
define informal
unoffical and emerges from relationships shared intrest amoung others
majority rule
the idea with the most votes
minority rule
everyone agrees
one method favoured by most and other memebers agree to respect
defiine cross-functional team
members come from diffrent functional units of an organization
define committee and example
peop;e outside their daily job assignments work together in a small team for a specfic purpose
define virtual team
people who work together and solve problems through largely computer mediated rathe than face to face interactions
define norms
-behaviour expected of team members
- rules or standards that guide behaviour may result in team sanctions
define synergy
the creationof a whole greater than the sum of its indviduals parts
list the 5 steps in the team life cycle
forming- initial orientation
storming- conflict over tasks and ways of working as a team
norming- consolidation around task and operating signals
performing- teamwork and focused task
adjourning - task accomplishment and eventual disagreement