What is the basic requirements of all living organisms?
Water, Carbon, Energy, Nitrogen, Minerals and growth factors
What does most microorganisms utilize as their energy sources
Carbohydrates (glucose and starches) or amino acids
How to determine the minimal growth requirement for certain microorganisms?
The organism is supplied with culture media containing all the necessary dietary ingredients except nitrogen
What are the agar plates used for nutrition of microorganisms experiment?
Agar + Minerals
Agar + Minerals + Carbohydrate
Agar + Minerals + Carbohydrate + Organic Nitrogen
Which organism had the minimal nutritional requirements? which had the highest?
Lactobacillus plantarum
B. subtilis, E. coli, and P. fluorescens
What basic needs appears to be in common in the media for growth?
Minerals + Carbohydrate + Nitrogen
Why do different microorganisms have different nutritional requirements?
Every microbe has unique nutritional requirements, depending on the types of molecules it is capable of making for itself
Which microorganism cannot grow without nitrogen in the medium?
Lactobacillus plantarum, can only grow with the presence of nitrogen