Number Concept (L6) Flashcards
what is meant by number concept in psychology?
numerosity, counting and arithmetic.
German and Gallistel created what?
the 5 counting principle
what are the 5 principles?
one to one principle, stable order principle, cardinal principle, order irrelevance principle, abstraction principle
what is one to one principle ?
one tag or counting word for each item in the set
what is the stable order principle?
tags must be used in the same way e.g. 123 not 132
what is the cardinal principle?
the tag of the final object in the set represents the total numberof items. e.g. two represents two separate entities
what is the order of relevance principle?
result the same regardless of the order you count items
what is the abstraction principle?
these principles can be applied to any collection of objects.
at what age are the 5 principle achievable?
5 yrs old sometimes by 3.
German and Meck tested 3-5 year olds how/
one to one, stable order and cardinal. children monitor the performance of puppet.
german and meck; one to one trial
correct trial but in error trial they skipped or doubled a number and then in pseduoerror they still followed principles.
German and Meck- stable order trial
correct trial and incorrect trial the numbers were reversed or in a random order.
german and meck- cardinal trial
correct and then in error minused one of the totla or refered to by colours.
what are the results of German and Meck’s study
found that detecting error rates where really high for all ages but children tended to do better when they are 4-5 rather than 3.
german and meck concluded that young children…
could understand principles even though they cannot articulate
barody (1984) tested for what in 5-7 yr olds
tests order irrelevance and cardinality.
what is the procedure of barody’s experiment?
children count themselves, shown 8 items, then asked can you make 1 this number and if they think they can count to 8 the other way. if they did the children would know it would be 8 items.
what were the results of barody’s experiment
only 45% of 5 yr olds but 84% of 7 yr olds could predict.
Who replicated barody’s study?
gelam, meck and merkin
what is gelman, meck and merkins study about?
replicated baroody’s study, investigated how task affects performance. Changed by added a 3x count, or altered question how many will there be? or what will you get?
what is an N task or knower levels task?
children asked to give a certain number of items to the experiment. sub set knowers refers to how many objects a child can give you.
how do they use habituation to study number counting?
habituate the child to 8 dots and change to 3 dots if suprised/preferred suggests they understand the difference in the dots.
Xu and Spelke found that 6 month olds can discriminate between what number of dots
8 and 16 dots
however, Xu and Selke found that what ratios can the infants discriminate between
1:2 ration but 3:2 ratio they cannot do.
Wynn conducted a looking time procedure how…
removed and added puppets to a stage, if the infants looked longer at the incorrect results suggests a basic understanding of addition
Wynn showed the sum 1+1 = 2 or 3 which one did the infants prefer?
preferred 3 as they say it violated their expectations- suggesting 5 month olds can calculate simple arithmetics.
who replicated Wynn’s study?
what was wakeley’s study and findings?
replicated wynn’s study but did the subtraction counterpart 3-1 = 2 or 1. they found no preference and revised wynn’s literature and found inconsistent results.
feignenson et al (2004) reported that representing numercial magnitudes in the brain is associated with what brain area?
bilateral horizontal segment of the intraparietal sulcus.
(feignenson et al) found that lesions in the IPS is associated with
who proposed that parent talk of numbers had an impact on development on numerical concept
gunderson and levine (2011)
what did gunderson & levine (2011) find about the influence of parent talk
within the study it was found that the amount of talk parents devoted to counting and labels especially higher sets of numbers is predictive of cardinal-number knowledge.
(gunderson and levine 2011) what is the bootstrapping thoery
the small-exact-number is the critical component- that we must first learn mapping betweeen number words.
what were the results of gelman et al (1986)?
increased correct answers with both the factors.
what is the empiricism approach to number concept?
knowledge from experience, gradual development of number concept.
what is the nativism approach to number concept?
innate understanding of number concept, born with an understanding.
What was Wynn’s response and explanation for the differences in performance between wakeley and wynn.
procedural differences affceted the attentiveness for example computer program versus experimenter.
what is the number concept?
numerosity, couning and arithmetic.