lecture 4: language development Flashcards
define the term language
comprehension and use of words and sentences to convey ideas and information which can be spoken, wirtten or signed
what is communication?
the transimssion of information between the source and receive using a signaling system.
is language uniquely human?
not necessarily- evidence of animals such as monkeys understanding and using symbols to communicate with humans using symbols to request e.g. kanzi
what is chomsky’s views of language?
believes that our brain before we ae born are designed to learn language.
humans and animals share what but not what
they share a broad sense of language e.g. facial movement but they do not share narrow sense of language such as pramatics and grammar.
what are the four components of language?
phenology, semantics, synatx and pragmatics
what is pehnology
units of speecg sounds that might exist in a language.
what is a phoneme?
smallest block of language
what are the semantics?
concerned with meaning- including words and word combinations.
phonemes dont convey… but together…
dont convey meaning but together create a word that then carries the meaning.
babies learn what type of word the fastest?
nouns- by 18m babies mostly just say nouns.
what is a morpheme?
smallest unit of linguistic meaning or function e.g. sheep, dog = sheepdog.
word learning biases
whole object constraint
what is shape bias
generalise to other objects that are the same shape rather than other attributes.
what is barrett’s multi-model?
kds over and under generalise word meaning.
what is syntax?
the structure of sentences
what is the gleitmans syntactic boot-stripping hypothesis?
sensitive to syntactic and semantic correspondences from ealry age- extract meanings.
how do we test for language development
observational studies of spontaneous speech and atificial language in experiments.
development of synatx at 18-24m?
2-word stage: move from word-gesture combinations to word-word combinations.
24m synatx development
longer utterances and increasing grammar
4 years syntax development
increasing complex grammar e.g. adding a plural s and past tense ed
what is pragmatics?
knowing how to use language approapriately in social situations.
what are the three aspects of pragmatics?
- using language for different purposes.
- changing language according to the needs of listener or situation.
- following rules for conversations and storytelling.
production: 10-12m
first word.
production: 12-18m
one word stage
production: 18m
50 words
production: 18-22m
50-300 words mainly nouns and adjectives.
atypical development
can understand language but struggle to produce it
if their is a mild delay in langiage… long term delay in language
support to catch up with peers, if long term delay= direct and specific intervention
what did st clair et al 2010 suggest about the development of DLD/SIL
that language ability develops parallel to TD but the ability is consistently lower than TD
stern 1995 and 1998 suggested a constellation facilitated what
proposed this idea of a motherhood constellation, creates an emotional environment that allows a mutually satisfying dialogue.
what type of communication did fogel and garvey 2007 propose
alive communication- new and meaningful gestures and expressions such as tickling a baby.
what is the language acquisition device?
perceives regularities in the utterances that a child can hear.
challenging chomsky, messer 1994 proposed the nurture perspective of speech which is?
showed how children preferred A-C speech as it is higher pitch and simpler, suggests a interaction with there environment is preferred.
what is tomasello’s verb island hypothesis
that by 2 years old children have a repotoire of verbs
fernyhough 2008 proposed what about his daugher athena
that she was intuned with his speech