lecture 9 atypical development Flashcards
what are some examples of neurodivergent disorders
autism, intellecutal disability and ADHD
what are the three causes of developmental conditions?
chromosomal abnormalities (genetic mutations), prenatal factors (damages whilst in womb such as oxugen deprivation) or an unknown combination
how did kanner 1943 and asperger 1944 describe autism
triad of comparisons: lowe IQ, autistic loneliness and desire for sameness
what did wing and gould 1979 describeas trial impairments for autism
social interaction, impairments in communication, restricted or repetetive patterns of behaviour.
different characteristics and combinations result in
variety of severity of autims- many show islets of ability equivalent to or better than neurotypical people.
is autism more diagnosed in boys or girls
3x more diagnosed in men and boys- ersearch heavily represents boys but not the experience of girls.
what are some of the problems surrounding diagnosis
some signs appear at around 12-18m typically diagnosed at 3 but can go undiagnosed.
what do traditional theories of autism attempt to explain what?
executive function, weak central coherence and theory of mind deficit.
what is executive functioning
an umbrella term for planning etc. the repetetive behaviours may be explained by impairment in executive functioning.
what is meant by the theory of mind deficit for those with autism?
limits effective social understanding, difficult to interpret behaviour of others, difficult to communicate and might explain sameness and rouitne indirectly.
baren-cohen et al 1985 found what on the sally anne false belief task?
80% of typical developed and down syndrome children solved but only 20% of autisitic groups
who replicated baron-cohen etal’s study using smarties
perner et al 1989- found the same results.
baron-cohen et al 1986 found what?
autistic children could order and explain mechanical and bheavioural stories- autistic children could not order mentalistic stories.
why was baron-cohne et al’s research limited?
not all children failed these tasks, autistic children sometimes perform at TD levels.
what other study was created to measure autistic childrens ability
the strange stories task would read a short story and be asked why someone would lie.
in 2007 baron cohen et al further tested the thoery of mind how
form state of eyes alone- autistic group significantly impaired to TD and tourette syndrome gorup.
gernsbacher and yergeau 2019 reported what
empirical failures of the thoery of mind explanation.
what were some of the failures?
reies heavily on spoken langiage ans studeis found that vocab predicts performance on false beliefs more than age
a meta analysis found that vocab predicts…
these belief performance more than whether or not an individual is autistic
what else is a criticism of the theory of mind explanantion
failure to replicate earlier findings, small sample izes in original studies, failure of convergent validity and faiilure of predicitive validity.
what else could explain the differences in thoery of mind performances
the double empathy problem
what is the double empathy problem
autistic and non-autistic people have different social communication styles breakdown in mutual understanding
what was the study conducted by sheppard et al 2016
autistic and non-autisitic people filmed during 4 conditions, when shown the videos asked to predict and match each ocnidition to video- non-autistic easier to identify the beaviour of those who are also non-autistic suggests lack of indentification with each other
Leslie and thaiss (1992) suggested what was a factor in thoery of mind
perception styles- ASD didnt perform well infalse belief but performed better in false photograph- almost perfect performance weheras TD is only 50%.
why was baron coehn et al 1985 not having predicitive validity?
no other studies found the same results
what is meant by questioning the convergent validity of baron-cohen et al 1985?
performance on tasks is not correlated.