Nuclei of cranial nerves Brainstem Flashcards
everything medial to sulcus limitans is considered what?
everything medial is motor groups (everything lateral is sensory)
What is in the 1st column General somatic efferent (4)
Occulomotor nuc
Trochlear nuc
Abducens nuc
Hypoglossal nuc
(1)Occulomotor loc, input, output, palsy
L- midbrain
I- Bilat corticomesenphalic bundles + MLF (medial vestibular nuc)
O- Occulomotor m
P- leads to ptosis of sup eyelid and down + out
(3) trochlear nuc loc, input, output, palsy
L- midbrain
i- Bilat Corticomesenphalic bundels + MLF
Palsy-extorted and minimallly up/ up + in
(5) Abducens nuc, loc, input, output, palsy
L- pons
i- Bilat corticomesenphalic bundles + MFL
O- Lat rectus
Palsy- inward pos of eye
(11) Hypoglossal nuc, loc, input, output, palsy
L- medulla
i- somatomotor cortex CL dominant
O- mm of tongue
Palsy- in palsy would move to affected side
What is in the 2nd column general Visceral efferent (4)
Edingar westphal nuc
Sup salivatory
Inf Salvitory
Dorsal nuc of vagus
(2) edingar Westphal nuc, loc, input, output, palsy
L- midbrain
i- Pre tectal nuc
O- cilary ganglion for pupil constriction/accomidation
P- impaired photomotor reflex (direct + indirect)
(6) Sup Salviatory nuc, loc, input, output
L- Pons
i- Primary motor cortex
O- Parasympathetic that go to CN7 and pterygopalantine + Submandibilar ganglion
(13) Inf salviatory nuc, loc, input, output
L- medulla
I- primary motor cotex
O- Preganglionic parasympathetic that go to CN9 Otic ganglion
(12) Dorsal nuc of Vagus loc, in, out
L- medulla
i- primary motor cortex
o- Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres that join vagus
Whats in 3rd column Special visceral efferent
Motor nuc of trigeminal
motor facial n
ambiguous nuc
(7) Motor nuc of trigeminal loc, in, out
L- Pons
I-Primary motor cortex
O- Trigeminal n (massicator mm)
(8) Motor n of facial loc, in (cranial + caudal), out, palsy
l- Pons
I- Crainial from bilat primary motor cortex, Caudal from CL primary motor cortex
O- crainial supplies upper face, caudal lower face
P- R motor cotex would affect only left lower face
(14) ambigous nuc loc, in, out, palsy
Loc- medulla
I- bilat motor cortex
O- Upper contribute to CN9, middle to vagus and lower to CN11
P- uvula will go to healthy side