NSCA CSCS - Chapter 22 Flashcards
Athletic trainer
The sports medicine team member responsible for the day-to-day physical health of the athlete typically certified by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (ATC) as a “Certified Athletic Trainer”
Closed kinetic chain
Exercises where the distal joint is stationary, terminal joint meets consideration resistance - i.e. squat
An activity or practice that is inadvisable or prohibited due to a given injury
Area of excess accumulation of blood and fluid in tissues surrounding the injured muscle caused by direct trauma
Sports medicine team member who is a licensed mental health professional who can help the injured athlete better cope with the mental stress accompanying an injury
Complete displacement of joint surfaces
Buildup of fluid surrounding injured tissue
Exercise physiologist
Sports medicine team member with a formal background in exercise science who assists with designing conditioning programs that consider metabolic responses to exercise and the ways in which that reaction aids the healing process
Fibroblastic Repair
Second phase of injury repair involving the breakdown and replacement of tissue that is no longer viable following an injury
A form of treatment required by the rehabilitating athlete
The initial reaction to the injury necessary for normal tissue healing to occur characterized by the injured area becoming red and swollen due to changes in vascularity, bloodflow, and capillary permeability
Inflammatory response
Local and systemic inflammation following acute injury
A specific sudden episode of overload injury to a given tissue
Third phase of injury repair involving type I collagen production that allows new tissue to improve structure, strength, and function
Overuse injury resulting from repeated abnormal stress applied to tissue by continuous training or training with too little recovery time
Neuromuscular control
The ability of muscles to respond to sensory information to maintain joint stability
Sports medicine team member
Open kinetic chain
Exercises where the terminal joint is free to move - allowing greater concentration on isolated joint or muscle - i.e. knee extension
Physical agent
Treatment modalities such as ice and compression that involve physical interaction with the injury site
Physical therapist
Licensed physical therapist typically certified through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a “Sports Certified Specialist”
Sports medicine team member who is a licensed physical therapist typically certified through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a “Sports Certified Specialist”
Afferent sensory information that occurs in response to stimulation of sensory receptors in skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the joint capsule
Sports medicine team member who is a licensed mental health professional who can help the injured athlete better cope with the mental stress accompanying an injury
Sports medicine team member who is a licensed mental health professional who can help the injured athlete better cope with the mental stress accompanying an injury
Ligamentous trauma ranging partial tear of ligament without increased joint instability to complete tear with full joint instability
Tears of muscle fibers assigned grades or degree ranging from a partial tear of individual fibers to complete tear of muscle fibers
Strength and conditioning professional
Sports medicine team member who focuses on strength, power, and performance enhancement, typically certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Partial displacement of joint surfaces
Team physician
Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) typically proficient in musculoskeletal and sports injuries and sport-related medical conditions
Inflammation of a tendon caused by overuse that can become tendinopathy if left uncorrected