NSCA CSCS - Chapter 21 Flashcards
Active rest
Postseason phase of training involving low-volume and intensity where athletes can rehab injuries and recovery from accumulated fatigue from the previous macrocycle - should not last more than 4 weeks
Annual training plan
Yearly periodization plan incorporating different periods of training based on the sport-season and mesocycle goals
Basic strength phase
Mesocycle incorporating higher intensity and lower repetition to build maximal strength - typically performed during the specific preparatory period
Competitive period
Phase of macrocycle during competition season involving high amounts of sport specific technique and tactic training, frequent competitions, and reduced strength and conditioning volumes
Daily undulating periodization
Periodization model involving large daily fluctuations in load and volume throughout the microcycle
First transition period
Mesocycle that occurs before the competitive period
Fitness-fatigue paradigm
Model of periodization that considers response to training as a combination of fitness and fatigue - properly managed training maximizes fitness gains and minimizes fatigue
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Model of adaptation to stimulus that begins with alarm phase, followed by resistance phase, and finally exhaustion phase - properly managed training maximizes the gains in the resistance phase while avoiding exhaustion
General preparatory phase
Mesocycle of training that begins in the offseason and focuses on building work capacity and necessary muscle mass using high-volume, lower intensity training protocols
Hypertrophy/strength endurance phase
Mesocycle typically occurring during the general preparatory phase that focuses on building muscle mass and strength endurance in preparation for the specific preparatory phase
Linear periodization
Periodization model using fixed set-rep schemes and increasing resistance throughout the mesocycle
A period of training lasting several months to a year incorporating multiple mesocycles and built around the different seasons of play
In-season training goal to maintain pre-season gains during competition season without incurring excessive fatigue
A period of training between 2 and 6 weeks incorporating multiple microcycles
A period of training lasting several days to 2 weeks - typically 1 week - that includes multiple training days in the context of the training program
Nonlinear periodization
Methods of periodization such as undulating periodization that involve varying repetition and resistance schemes throughout the microcycle
Period of 1-2 weeks following a taper where the athlete performs at the highest level - typically timed for a certain competition
A theoretical and practical construct that allows for the systematic, sequential, and integrative programming of training into mutually dependent periods of time in order to induce specific physiological adaptations
Preparatory period
Mesocycle typically planned during the pre-season that involves increased intensity and reduced volume to focus on strength and power development leading into the competition season
Phase of the postseason where athlete’s focus on injury rehabilitation and mental and physical recovery from the previous training and competition season
Second transition period
Period following the competitive season where athletes focus on rehabilitation and recovery before beginning the next macrocycle
Specific preparatory phase
Second phase of off-season training where intensity begins to increase - maximal sport-specific strength is a typical focus during this mesocycle
Stimulus-fatigue-recovery-adaptation theory
Extension of General Adaptation Syndrome that suggests that training stimuli produce a general response influenced by the magnitude of the training stressor
Strength/power phase
Mesocycle typically trained during the preseason where athletes transfer strength gains from off-season into sport-specific power abilities
Adaptive response to appropriately structured training stressors that further elevate performance capacity
Traditional periodization
Periodization model using the same set-rep schemes throughout the microcycle and focus on increasing the resistance used each workout or in the following microcycle