Concepts I'm Struggling With Flashcards
Describe the steps of fat oxidation and how much ATP can be produced from
triglycerides are broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol
Free fatty acids enter the mitochondria and undergo beta oxidation breaking down into acetyl-CoA and hydrogen
Hydrogen enters the ETC and Acetyl-CoA enters the krebs cycle
Produces up to 300+ ATP
What is the role of adrenocorticotropic hormone?
stimulates glucocorticoid secretion from the adrenal cortex
What are the effects of insulin?
Reduce blood glucose, promotes glycogen storage, suppresses fat oxidation and gluconeogenesis, involved in protein synthesis
The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources
What is the warmup protocol that is recommended?
Describe the Anatomy of the Sarcomere.
Z-Line: End to End
H-Zone: Only Myosin
A-Band: Total Length of Myosin including Actin
I-Band: Only Actin
How many extra calories are burned after high intensity training due to EPOC?
up to 15% extra calories
What is proper testing order for exercise testing?
Non fatiguing
Max power and Strength
Sprint tests
Local muscular endurance
Fatiguing anaerobic testing
Aerobic testing
What are norms of bench, power clean, and squat 1 RM testing?
Bench: 1x BW
Power Clean: 1.25x BW
Squat: 1.5x BW
What is testing criteria for vertical jump test, static vertical jump test, and reactive strength index? What are norms for vertical jump for males and females?
Vertical Jump: Best of 3 trials
Static Vertical Jump: No countermovement, 2-3 sec hold with knee angle at 110
Reactive Strength Index: Jumpheight/contact time
Norms: Males (15 to 25 in), Females (10 to 16 in)
Testing Protocol for Margaria-Kalaman Step Test.
Timing plates places on 3rd and 9th step. Measure how long to go up steps.
Testing protocol and testing norms for 300 yard shuttle run.
2 lines 25 yards apart, pair athletes, sprint down and make foot contact with line and repeat 6 times, score by taking average of 2 trials
Norms: Women (67 to 73 seconds) and Men (56 to 73 seconds)
Testing protocol for partial curl up test.
40 beats per minute metronome, curling up to touch tape line
Testing protocol for push up test.
Hands and feet for males, hands and knees for females, max # in 2 minutes, only rest in top position, use 4 inch block or fist for chest touch
What is the yo-yo intermittent recovery test?
Pacer Test
What are norms for VO2 max testing? (50th percentile, and average athletes)
Norm values for 10 test and Pro-Agility test.
T-test: 10 seconds
Pro-Agility Test: 4.5 Seconds for Men and 5 Seconds for Women
Work to rest ratio for interval training.
Work to rest ratio for High Intensity Interval Training
Form for completing a clean.