NSCA CSCS - Chapter 13 Flashcards
Aerobic capacity
The maximum rate at which an athlete can produce energy through the oxidation of energy sources (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) - also called aerobic power
Aerobic power
The maximum rate at which an athlete can produce energy through the oxidation of energy sources (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) - also called aerobic capacity
A rapid, whole-body, change of direction or speed in response to a sports-specific stimulus
Anaerobic capacity
Maximal rate of energy production by the combined phosphagen and anaerobic glycolytic systems for moderate-duration activities
Anaerobic power
The ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at high speed
The science of measurement applied to the human body
Athletic performance
The ability to respond effectively to the demands of a specific sport or event
Athletic profile
A group of tests related to sport-specific abilities that are important for quality performance in a sport or sport position
The ability to maintain static and dynamic equilibrium or the ability to maintain the body’s center of gravity over its base of support
Body composition
The relative proportion by weight of fat and lean tissue
Central tendency
Values about which the data tend to cluster
Descriptive statistics
Statistics that summarize or describe a large group of data
Difference score
The difference between an athlete’s score at the beginning and end of a training period or between any two testing times
Effect size
The difference or change in the mean score as a proportion of the pretest standard deviation
The range of motion (ROM) about a body joint
High-speed muscular strength
The ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at high speed - also known as anaerobic power
Local muscular endurance
The ability of certain muscles or muscle groups to perform repeated contractions against submaximal resistance
Low-speed muscular strength
The maximum force a muscle or muscle group can exert in one maximal effort while maintaining proper form
Magnitude statistics
Statistics that allow interpretation of the clinical significance of fitness testing such as the smallest worthwhile change and effect size
Maximal anaerobic muscular power
The ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at high speed - also known as anaerobic power
The average of the scores - the most commonly used measure of central tendency
The middlemost score when a set of scores is arranged in order of magnitude - half of the group falls above and half below the median score
The score that occurs with the greatest frequency - requires at least two equal value scores - generally the least useful measure of central tendency
Percent change
The relative percent increase or decrease in performance based on initial testing
Percentile rank
The percentage of test-takers scoring below the individual being ranked
The interval of lowest to the highest score
Smallest worthwhile change
The ability of a test to detect the smallest practically important change in performance
Movement distance per unit of time
A measure of the ability to return to the desired position following a disturbance to the system
Standard deviation
A measure of the variability of scores around a mean - SD = √(Σ(x-▁x)²/(n-1))
The science of collecting, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data
The degree of dispersion of scores within a group. Includes range and standard deviation