NSCA CSCS - Chapter 15 Flashcards
Alternated grip
A grip with one hand in a pronated grip and one hand in a supinated grip
Clean grip
A hook grip with the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart used in the clean and jerk movements
Closed grip
Any grip variation where the thumb is wrapped around the bar
False grip
Any grip variation where the thumb is not wrapped around the bar
Five-point body contact position
Position used during supine exercises for maximum stability and spinal support
Forced repetitions
Repetitions that involve assistance from a spotter
Free weight exercises
Barbell, dumbbell, or other non-machine implement exercises
Grip width
The distance between the athlete’s hands when performing barbell exercises
Hook grip
A pronated grip with the thumb positioned under the index and middle fingers, typically used for exercises that require a stronger grip such as power exercises
The first phase of a set where the athlete removes the weight from the rack and enters the start position of a movement, possibly with the assistance of a spotter
Neutral grip
A grip with knuckles pointed laterally and palms facing one another
Neutral spine
A spinal position preferred for all structural exercises involving a natural lordotic curve in the lower back
Out-of-the-rack exercises
Exercises performed outside of a power rack with a barbell - i.e. walking lunges, step-ups
Overhand grip
A grip with palms down and knuckles up (pronated grip)
Over-the-face barbell exercises
Barbell exercises such as the tricep skull crusher that involve moving the bar over the face while in a prone position
Partner assisted reps
Repetitions completed with the assistance of a spotter - aka forced reps
Power exercises
Exercises such as the power clean and power snatch that involve rapid contraction to accelerate the barbell upwards to be caught in the catch phase of the movement
Pronated grip
A grip with palms down and knuckles up
Range of motion (ROM)
The available range of a given joint about which motion occurs
Snatch grip
A hook grip with a wide grip determined via fist-to-opposite shoulder method or the elbow-to-elbow method, used in the snatch and snatch variations
One or more partners who assist the athlete in lifting the weight off the rack to assume a starting position, as well as assisting with forced repetitions and keeping the athlete safe in the event of partial or full failure during a repetition
Sticking point
The most strenuous phase of any movement, typically soon after the transition from eccentric to concentric
Structural exercises
Exercises such as the back squat that involve vertical loading of the spinal column
Supinated grip
A grip with palms up and knuckles down (underhand grip)
Body position with athlete lying on their back face-up (i.e. during the flat bench press)
Underhand grip
A grip with palms up and knuckles down (supinated grip)
Valsalva maneuver
Expiring air against a closed glottis during structural exercise to increase torso stiffness and spinal stability