NSCA CSCS - Chapter 18 Flashcards
Amortization phase
The second phase of the stretch-shortening cycle lasting from the end of the eccentric phase to initiation of concentric muscle action
The maintenance of a position without movement for a given period of time
Low body plyometric drills encompassing forward, backward, lateral, double leg and single leg skips and their variations.
Box drill
Lower body plyometric drills encompassing box jumps and their variations such as single-leg jump to box, lateral box jumps, and drop freezes
Complex training
Workout structure combining high-intensity resistance exercise sets immediately followed by plyometrics
Concentric phase
The phase of a movement involving contraction of the agonist muscles - in plyometric training, the concentric phase occurs immediately after the amortization phase in the stretch-shortening cycle
Depth jump
Lower body plyometric drills
Eccentric phase
Deceleration phase of a movement - in plyometrics, the eccentric phase is the first phase of the stretch-shortening cycle
Jumps in place
Low body plyometric drills encompassing squat jumps, single-leg squat jumps, and standing jump variations such as the tuck and pick jump
Multiple hops and jumps
Lower body plyometric drills involving jumping forward, backward, or laterally using double or single-leg hops
Muscle spindle
Proprioceptor that relays information regarding a muscle’s length and rate of change to the spinal cord
An increase in force production that occurs from recent muscle fiber activation or the stretch reflex
Series elastic component (SEC)
A model that partially explains the increased force production during plyometrics as a function of the elasticity in connective tissues, particularly the tendons
Standing jump
Plyometric exercises involving double and single leg jumps from a standing position - examples include the double leg vertical jump, single-leg vertical jump, the jump-over-barrier, and the standing long jump
Stretch reflex
The contraction of an agonist muscle that occurs when the muscle spindle of the agonist muscles are stimulated via a rapid stretch - in plyometrics, the stretch reflex may partially explain the increased force production associated with rapid countermovements and depth jumps
Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
The cycle that occurs during plyometrics beginning with the eccentric phase followed by the amortization phase and finally the concentric phase - generally thought to occur from a combination of elasticity in tissues and the stretch reflex
Upper body plyometric exercises encompassing a variety of throwing motions using a weighted medicine ball - examples include chest passes, overhead throws, and single-arm throws