NSAIDS Flashcards
COX2 role:
Its production is increased when you are injured (involved in pathology of pain and anti-inflammation.)
COX1 role:
regular housekeeping function (ex. protecting the gastric mucosa from HCL, platelet aggregation in blood clotting)
Cyclooxygenase is:
an enzyme, dimer with 2 active sites.
When Arachnoid Acid reaches the active site of Cyclooxygenase:
AA is transformed into a prostaglandin.
NSAIDs drugs role:
Blocking the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme (so block the formation of prostaglandins)
Injured cells release mediators:
Bradykinin (stimulator of pain)
Prostaglandins (PGE2 mostly)
How do we raise the set point or our internal thermostat and therefore, increasing body temperature leading to Fever?
PGE2 is produce in the hypothalamus and synthesize in the brain, which involves COX-2.
How is the chronic use of NSAIDS can attack the epithelial cells lining the stomach and cause ulcer/gastritis?
Prostaglandins stimulate the production of the mucosal lining in the stomach (the mucus layer protects the gastric lining). NSAIDS use decreases the prostaglandins –> decrease mucus layer.
Aspirin role:
Preventing the AA from being converted to PGH2 within the COX enzyme. Act on both COX1 and COX2
Aspirin difference from others NSAIDS:
ASPIRIN bing IRREVERSIBLY and permanently inactivating/inhibiting COX, not the others NSAIDs.
Prostaglandins (PGH2), the parent prostaglandins, can be transformed into:
TxA2 (Thromboxane A2): Platelets aggregation
PGE2: Inflammation, pain and gastro-protection
Why is the Aspirin is the only NSAIDs working as anticoagulant?
Bc Platelet do not have nuclei, so when Aspirin bind irreversibly and permanently inactivate COX, it block for the life of the platelet (1 week)
Salicylic acid is a (weak acid or base)?
Weak acid ( unionized form –> lipid-soluble) so when there is OD, we need to give Bicarbonate to change the PH environment of the urine into Basic environment to increase ionized form –> water-soluble!
Aspirin toxicity is referred to:
Aspirine in children can cause:
Reye syndrome (occur only with infection by certain virus)
Traditional NSAIDs example:
Ibuprofen, naproxen..
Traditional NSAIDs role:
Preventing the AA from being converted to PGH2 within the COX enzyme. Block REVERSIBLY both COX1 and COX2.
COX2 Inhibitors example:
COX2 inhibitors role:
Act just on COX2 as the channel through which the drug enters to get into the enzyme is wider(bigger) than for COX1
Acetaminophen act on:
COX3 and COX 4 (give relief of pain and fever but NOT peripheral relieve inflammation)
N-acetylbenzoquinoamine is
Toxic compound a metabolite of Acetaminophen metabolized by P450 by transferase
N-acetylbenzoquinoamine become inactivated by:
Alcohol and Acetaminophen interaction cause:
More risk to OD bc of the toxic metabolites. Alcohol synthesize greater amounts of the toxic P450 metabolite and deplete the store of glutathione (not enough to inactivated all the N-acetylbenzoquinoamine)
N acetylcysteine is:
a glutathione precursor (antidote of acetaminophen OD)