Notes from the line Flashcards
How many degrees between TAT and SAT before you need to think of LOW fuel temp?2
more than 32deg.
Taxi to parking what kind of call is shutdown engine 3?
Silent call
When do you start APU taxing to parking?
Depends on company notam or cargo onboard.
No APU policy if possible.
During rain snow what to check on cargo?
Snow rain on top of pallet.
When do you start 1 engine at the time?
above 5000ft or OAT +35deg
ATC calls?
Try to make ONE call! Do not split it up and congest frequency.
Power and landings?
Do NOT make power on landings.
Start reducing thrust at 30-35 ft.
SLOWLY increase pitch to flare attitude.
IDLE just before touchdown.
Landing technic:
IF STABLE on speed at 50ft.
50ft start planning to flare at 30.
30ft reduce thrust (light IDLE at 20ft. Heavy IDLE at 10ft.
20ft slowly flare
10ft Kick off crab.
DO NOT keep flaring, keep pitch at 4 deg
(5kts fast = flare 3deg)
Fly onto ground, THEN land nose-wheel (neutral yoke)
Touchdown = reverse IDLE or more.
Call from crewcontroll in luxembourg?
2hrs before ETD.
Wakeup call outstation?
3 hrs before ETD. Be in room 4hrs before +/-
What to do if no wakeup call at outstation?
Stay in room and keep resting.
Go around brief?
Whats next:
- alternate
- fuel
have a plan
Engine fail at V1?
Force rudder in neutral until you know for sure which to press.
Tankering policy?
max 4000kg below MLW.
Towing procedure?
Just select electric.
Leave hydraulic as it is.
Below 500ft calls:
If auto-calls happen do not say anything.
When to start configure on B748 and B744?
Around 20 nm to go.
You can start at 16nm but that is quite tight and unnecessary stress.
When to select flaps 10 configure on B748 and B744?
Where do you find contingency procedures?
RIC charts.
What is expected of you prior to pickup time?
Read airport briefing, and prepare for the flight.
Know special procedures ect ect.
When do you go to the lobby?
20min prior to pickup.
allow time for checkout paying bills ect.
ECL on B748 Green
No need to read.
Line up items?
Lights as required. Strobe WX/TERR TA/RA RVSM and safety scan.
Extra fuel?
Follow flightplan fuel UNLESS:
- Bad WX
- Expect long taxi hold ect.
- Fuel temp mitigation?
Do not round up just to round up.
Main for landing power?
Start reducing at 30ft
IDLE at 10ft latest!
Main for touchdown pitch?
slow 5 or fast 3
Nose wheel landing?
Lands nicely at neutral point of yoke. (just release any pressure on yoke)
Landing position?
Cross threshold at 50ft. Reduce thrust at 30ft Start flare AT 20 ft. NOT higher to avoid floating. Land dead center on centerline Land before 3000ft.
High elevation and short runway. IDLE at 20ft !!!!!!
When is it good to disconnect AP?
Even in IMC. Feel the airplane so you are ready to land.
ETPs how to set it up?
- Take track-miles from OFP to make circles.
- Create decision point in jeppeson.
- Request WX from acars.
Regarding cruise what should you allways know?
If something happens RIGHT NOW where will you go?
Allways have the plan prior to something happens.
High elevation airport, what should you hear regarding thrust?
You should hear thrust levers hitting IDLE.
Bad vectors overshoot the GS ect. what to do?
Immediate basic modes, or even fly manual to catch GS straight away.
Procedure what to always remember?
Follow same sequence every time! Helps you not forgetting anything.
1 request use standard phraseology.
Who is responsible for during the upper deck security search?
First officer
When should you do the upper-deck security search?
As soon as fuel decision is made and communicated to ground staff.
What is expected of first officer after security search?
Hang up garbish bag and ask captain if he wants still or sparkling water or coffee.
Who is responsible to grab a General decleration for all crew member upon arrival?
First officer.
Who is responsible of tidy up the upper-deck and flight deck upon arrival?
First officer
How do you leave your seat?
Turn off intercom BEFORE removing headset!
What do you do after finished in the bunk?
Tidy up the bed military style.
When deadheading what is expected of you?
ASK captain if he needs help with anything.
ASK captain prior to using the bunk, out of curtesy.
Can you call the captain if you are unsure about wakeup call?
No, he might be sleeping.
How do you know if wing tip will clear obstacle?
Look at 3/9
What to make sure to add to WANNTRAM brief?
NAV/RAD selection
Use of reversers.
Alternate route and fuel required.
Extra fuel?
ATC. Long taxi, Bad weather. Late climb to cruise. Early descend? (china usa/jfk)
Rotation technic?
2.5deg per second.
12.5deg pitch initially.
Speed should be V2+10kts.
B748F technic for deciding N1% flaps 30? 330T
first 2 numbers of weight +32.
B748F technic for deciding N1% flaps 25? 330T
first 2 numbers of weight +28.
B748F technic for deciding N1% flaps 25? 290T
B748F technic for deciding N1% flaps 30? 290T
Takeoff performance. What to be careful about?
CORRECT weight
if wind variable speed or direction. Use highest tailwind component.
Pilot monitor enroute in cruise items?
Check RIC chart for contingency procedure. Select enroute alternates in fix. Check weather. ATC R/T. Fillout flight plan.
Allways have a plan were PF can go same goes for PF.
What is required on initial ATC call?
cargolux ___ HEAVY.
Only remove heavy if ATC does not use it.
How can you avoid floating?
Start reducing thrust at 30ft Start flare at around 20-30 IDLE thrust at 20-10ft. Uncrab at 10. Correct attititude. On speed 4deg.(fast 3deg, slow 5deg.)
Adjust for acctuall conditions.
How to exit windshare manoeuvre?
Increase speed and clean up.
Overweight landing checklist?
YES on B748F
NO on B744.
What do you need to remember on descent procedure?
NAV / RAD and Alternate airport route in RTE2.
Flare when and why?
Earlier = floating and landing performance being void.
When should you request descend procedure?
20min PRIOR to TOD. (80nm)
When should you be done briefing?
10min PRIOR to TOD. (80nm)
After landing when do you turn NAI/EAI on?
Icing condition and TWY/RWY contaminated.
ALLWAYS ON regardless if there is auto.
How to know max cruise altitude?
680-TOW = max cruise altitude.
IF you get locked at high altitude and you slow down what is the lowest speed to select?
250kts or 15kts above minimum maneuvering is a safe option.
When high and you want to increase speed, what is a good technic to use?
Increase speed in 10kts increments to make it smooth.
What can you do if you expect shortcut and vectors to final?
FLCH to get below VNAV path so you can accept shortcut.
ATC. What to focus on?
STOP talking to listen for callsign if ATC talks.
What does cargolux focus on regarding fuel?
NO APU unless needed.
Fly as low drag approach as possible.
Takeoff what is my weak point?
too active on rudder. Use small inputs and wait for reaction.
How much aileron to apply during takeoff roll?
10kts crosswind. Aileron until the 1 unit mark on yoke.
20kts crosswind. Aileron until the 2 unit mark on yoke.
Do NOT use more than 2 units due to drag from spoilers.
What do I forget on after landing procedure?
Landing lights, remember to turn off.
What to be careful with during climb-out?
Do not sink or have negative V/S.
How long to keep reverse IDLE?
Until taxi speed.
Responsibility during evacuations as first officer?
Deploy slide
What to be careful with with APU start?
Not all apu has ON position in center. Careful to not turn off.
Slow down to catch errors. like the fuel pumps lights.
Climb speed?
Select lower speed if VNAV wants VMO MMO -5kts.
When do you do a final mental check if you can reach destination
20min prior to landing. Basically during descend. Don’t put yourself in a courner.
Manual start what do the first officer time?
Starter limit 3min.
How to structure a brief?
Key words.
Ref pages on jeppesen.
Keep it short. Skip obvious things.
Alternates check prior to departure?
If weather is low look in OM-A.
CLX limits might be more restrictive than plate planning minima.
Who is repsonisble to check planning minima alternate?
Crew prior to signing for the flight.
What do you need to check if you get a non normal in flight regarding landing?
Enroute landing performance limits with acctual conditions.
Can you land or early divertion to longer runway.
Inflight what do you need to check if rwy at destiantion is reported wet?
Enroute landing performance.
Inflight. What do you need to check if destination or alternare with unforecast contaminated runway?
Dispatch performance for landing
Calculating approach N1. How do you calculate F25 on -8?
First 2 numbers gross + 29(28)
Calculating approach N1. How do you calculate F30 on -8?
First 2 numbers of gross + 32.
Calculating approach N1. How do you calculate F25 on -400?
First numbers 2 of gross weight + 33
Calculating approach N1. How do you calculate F30 on -400
First 2 digits of gross weight + 40.
How much do you add to first 2 digits of gross weight to get thrust on final on all flap settings? -8F
F25= +29 (28) F30= +32
How much do you add to first 2 digits of gross weight to get thrust on final on all flap settings? 400
F25= +33 F30= +40
How much do you add to first 2 digits of gross weight to get thrust on final on all flap settings? 400
F25= +33 F30= +40
Landing scan what to do?
Scan fast inside and outside from until 50ft.
What to think about in campinas? Scan
Scan fast inside and outside.
Visual illusions.
What is the danger in campinas?
Hard landing as the airport is on a platform. So you can suddently get very fast drop on RA.
50 straight to 20.
What is dangours in campinas?
Wind change close to rwy. Rwy on platform. Visial illusions. Missing RA calls. Do NOT go below glideslope.
What is recommended on ILS.
Stay on instruments. Scan fast inside out.
Dont not deviate below glideslope below minimum. Flare at 20-30ft to avoid float.
Decrabbing during flare OPTIONAL!.
Dangers during approaches low altitde?
Visual illusions.
Use instruments.
30% outside
70% inside.
Flare at 30 ft.
Slowly strech leg for decrab at 10ft. ( you can land in crab.
What do you check enroute?
Real alternate airports
Real favourable weather.
China RIC chart emergency descend procedure?
30deg turn.
AT 5nm R of track start descend.
Advice ATC asap.
How do you mark nat track on OFP? Circle means?
Waypoint is checked. (LAT LONG only.)
How do you mark nat track on OFP? 1 line through means?
Track and distance is checked.
How do you mark nat track on OFP? 2 line through means? circle with cross.
You have passed waypoint.
Line-check items 2021-2022 season?
Fuel efficiency engine failure in cruise FMC runway disagree 747 NG FMC BP 4.0 Engine icing during taxi-IN Engine stabilization before TO/GA. OPT climb gradients.
Why is fuel efficiency so important?
45% of total operating cost.
Fuel saving goal of CLX?
When can you shutdown 1 engine during taxi IN?
Below 270ton on B744
Any weight on B748.
Remember 3 min cool down time
FWA? Fair weather alternatives
Close proximity airports used as alternates if WX deviation highly unlikely.
OPS control will provide additional support if WX is deteriorating.
Diversion likely = crews will be given good options.
Fuel use per HR for APU?
330kg average.
What fuel figure to tell fueler?
Tell fueler exactly how much fuel you want. Do not round UP.
How much fuel do you burn on IDLE thrust?
45kg per minute.
Fuel planning takeoff. What RWY?
Try to takeoff in direction of flight.
Cruise altitude and speeds?
Fly the OFP.
Why fly OFP instead of FMC altitudes?
Flight planning system has more information than FMC
What speed do you descend at?
ECON. (.84/290 is for planning)
Fuel use and flaps?
Advice ATC of clean speed.
Retract flaps to if needed.
Flaps 25 or 30 selection?
Consider taxi time. Flaps 30 if it will shorten taxi time.
Good time to start APU taxi IN?
3 airplane lengths prior to stopping position
Engine failure in cruise?
Select ENG OUT execute. (E/O LRC & CON THR)
Set level of altitude in MCP.
Notify ATC.
AT latest flaps up maneuver speed push MCP altitude selector.
(Most fuel efficient and CARGOLUX preferred
EICAS “FMC RUNWAY DIS”? what to do?
That means departure from non-WGS-84 compliant airport. WITHOUT DOING PROCEDURE.
GPS updating should be inhibited.
747 NG FMC BP 4.0 anomalies?
- Stab trim value= mitigation confirm stab trim value unchanged from before start procedure.
- CPDLC incorrect MACH speed. Check up/downlink log for correct speeds
- Dual FMC resets during cruise. (90sec to get FMC promt)
- missing info on CPDLC login status page.
- Lower than expected VNAV target speeds
- Offset does not parallel route.
- Same waypoint near destination. FMC might choose wrong waypoint.
- uncommanded level off and thrust reduction during climb.
First officer preflight procedure what do you forget all the time?
Enter step climbs
Nav rad selection
Etp points during cruise?
Only select the current ETP points as cicles on fix page verify points with ETP ETA from flight plan.
Passing a ETP set up for next ETP and verify ETP ETA
Selection on EFIS as preflight procedure?
Select ADF or VOR needles as relevant.
Fuel decision? Wx/wind
With strong gusty cross winds or trend to crosswind. Consider extra fuel for extra approach incase of windshear.
Veirfy alternate has favorable direction runway to aviod crosswind.
FD during ILS
Stay on it until 50ft Keep rate of descent 50 40 Idle Flare Straight Speedbrake Reverese