Non-infectious Corneal Disorders: Filamentary Keratopathy/Keratitis, Recurrent Corneal Epithelial Erosion Flashcards
loose area of epithelium attracts deposit of mucus & cellular debris from dead epithelial cells that are shed into tear film
filamentary keratopathy/keratitis
what disorder do these cause?
- *severe dry eye (aq. deficient — keratoconjunctivitis sicca)
- *neurotrophic keratopathy (decreased corneal sensation)
CL overwear, post-surgical, prolonged eye closure/patching, chronic ocular surface toxicity (topical meds), superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
filamentary keratopathy/keratitis
- strands of degenerate epithelial cells & mucus move when blinking
- strands are attached to cornea at one end
- filament stains w/ rose bengal & NaFl
- small epithelial defect may be present at base of filament
what condition are these signs for?
filamentary keratopathy/keratitis
what are these symptoms of filamentary indicative of?
foreign body sensation, discomfort, redness, photophobia
filamentaty keratopathy/keratitis
these treatments are for what disorder?
frequent lubrication, bandage CLs, debridement (pluck filament at base of filament),
10% N-Acetylcysteine (mucomyst) TID-QID), topical steroid,
filamentary keratopathy/keratitis
what is used as oral inhalant for pts w/ bronchial disease such as asthma & cystic fibrosis?
10% N-acetylcysteine
abnormally weak attachment b/w basal cells of the epithelium & their basement membrane (anchors epithelium to underlying Bowman’s layer/anterior stroma)
recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
these cause what disorder?
prior minor corneal trauma, epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
what are signs indicative of?
epithelial defect that stains w/ NaFl, absence of stromal infiltrates
recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
these symptoms are indicative of?
severe pain, photophobia, redness, blepharospasm*, tearing
when do they occur?
recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
usually occurs after waking up from sleep
- prophylactic topical antibiotic (erythromycin ointment QID), sodium chloride (Muro 128) QID: may improve epithelial adhesion
- frequent lubrication, bandage soft CLs, topical cycloplegic for pain management (cyclopentolate 1%/homatropine 5%)
- oral doxycycline: inhibits metalloproteinases (50mg BID x 4-6 wks)
- topical steroid: inhibits metalloproteinases (promotes intercellular adhesion)
-surgical: anterior stromal puncture, phototherapeutic, keratectomy, superficial keratectomy w/ diamond burr polishing.
do NOT patch eye → will slow down epithelial healing
what condition is this management for?
recurrent corneal epithelial erosion
which surgical procedure improves corneal epithelial adhesion by producing scar tissue b/w the epithelium & anterior stroma?
-used for RCES that are AWAY from visual axis
anterior stromal puncture
minor surgical procedure that uses an excimer taser
removes abnormal areas of thickened basement membrane to provide a more solid & even base for epithelial adhesion & healing
which surgical procedure is this?
phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK)
epithelium is removed down to Bowman’s layer & up to 1.5mm from the limbus (where stem cells are)
diamond burr is used to polish Bowman’s layer
bandage soft CL is placed on eye
which surgical procedure is this?
superficial keratectomy w/ diamond burr polishing