Lumps & Bumps: Sebaceous Glands, Cystic Lesions & Sweat Glands Flashcards
what is a malignant eye tumor with origins from meibomian glands up upper tarsus, glands of Zeis & caruncle
sebaceous gland carcinoma
- solitary nodule or diffuse eyelid thickening
- CARDINAL SIGNS: madarosis (lash loss), poliosis (whitening of lashes), thickening of lid margin
- more common on upper eyelid
- aggressive local behavior → metastasizes to regional lymph node & distant organs
sebaceous gland carcinoma
what occurs when sebaceous gland carcinomas have a delayed diagnosis
they masquerade as other benign lesion (chronic blepharoconjunctivitis, recurrent chalazia)
what lesion is due to occlusion of a sebaceous gland duct
sebaceous cyst
- can occur in the meibomian glands of upper tarsus
- occasionally occur in glands of Zeis which are associated with eyelash follicles
- can occur on scalp & eyebrows
- no inflammation present
sebaceous cyst
what lesion occurs when there is a retention of sweat: heat, humidity, & perspiration can cause enlargement in size & number
- eccrine open onto skin surface (usually multiple)
- apocrine open into terminal hair follicles (usually solitary)
sudoriferous cyst (eccrine/apocrine hidrocystoma)
characteristic: clear CYSTIC TRANSLUCENT LESION near eyelid margin
sudoriferous cyst
sebaceous cysts & sudoriferous cysts are what kind of cystic lesions
benign cystic lesions
what is caused by a benign proliferation of eccrine sweat glands
eyelid syringoma
characteristics: usually multiple & bilateral
eyelid syringoma
what is caused by tumors arising from epidermal cells of sweat glands of Moll
eyelid sweat gland carcinoma
- very uncommon
- metastasizes to regional lymph nodes
eyelid sweat gland carcinoma
how to treat an eyelid sweat gland carcinoma
wide surgical excision
are eyelid syringoma & eyelid sweat gland carcinoma benign or malignant
eyelid syringoma - benign
eyelid sweat gland carcinoma - malignant