non bio explanation AN Flashcards
A01.1 CC
cc- behaviours can be learnt through association
individual associates food (NS) with - comments and gaining weight (UCS) brining about bad feeling about themsleves and lack of self esteem (UCR)
when food and these negative comments on gaining weight are associated on multiple occasions the food will bring about anxirty and lack of self esteem on its own
therefore the individual will avoid eating to avoid feeling this way
A03.1 strength
DR hans cook found 8/144,000 medical records there was a case of AN on a carribean island where the larger = more beautidul - with the absense of - comments about weight being associated with food AN less likely to develop - supports AN caused by learning theories such as CC
A03.1 - weakness
only considers nurture and ignores bio factors
grice et a; found in 37 families at least 2 relatives had been diagnosed with AN and evidence for the sucetibility genes on chromosone 1
A01.2 OC
OC behaviours learnt through reinforcment / punishment
positive reinforcement - when individual looses weight recieve compliments and praise motivating the individual to continue not eating and when thye get to a dangerously low weight reicve concern and more attention futher reinforcing behaviour
negative reinforcment- when an unpleasent stimulus is removed- negative comments about gainig weight removed if person stops eating negative comments will stop
A03.2 strength
explains cross cultural differences
different social norms in different countries
anxiety first diagnosed in the west potentially as the ideal body type for women is thin - more likely to be positively reinforced tp loose weight
although in the east- being larger is considered best and a sign of fertility
LAI et al anorexia increased in hong kong when the culture became westernised
A03.2 weakness
cant explain individual differences
most women are exposed to cultureal pressures towards slimness e.g. in west- social media reinforces slim body yet not all women develop an ED
doesnt explain why some do and others dont
COOPER suggests that these distorted beliefs held by thoes with ED’s are exaddurated versions of thoes held by the whole of sociery.
A01.3 SLT
vivarious reinforcment role models same gender age status
constantly expised via media
retain images visually rembeeber
repeated exposure
reinforced vicariouslt seeing +/- comments on social media
individual copies and starts loosinf weight internal reinforcemtt motivates behaviourb
high SEf low SEs- expand
imitate - motor production- restrict diet extreme extercise
A03.3 strength
fear 1999 sudden increase in ED’s amoung teenagers in fiji linked to arrival of TV in 1995
74% figian girls reposted feeling ‘ too big’ ‘ too fat; in 1998 survery
traditonally fogo odea body for both genders - robust and muscualr
western culture to blame for
A03.3 weakness
flannagan dound young women west all expised to media but only 3-4% develop an ED must be other factors involved otherwise evryone would develop an ED
A01.4 social norms
-western hyper focus on dieting and body apperance
- digitally retouched photos are the noem
- body dissatisfaction more pronounced in countries high individulism
- greater pressures conform idel body greater access to imahes through media
other cultures celebrate and uphold personas body and focus on what a person is capable of doing rather than their apperance
A03.4 strength
nasser compared egyptian women studying in cairo and london
non in cairo deve;oped ED
in london 12% develiped an ed
influence of westerm ciltire idealising body imahes causes ED’s
A03.4 weakness
stats from cross cultural research are correlational only show a relationship between cultural ideas and AN, therefore could be due to other factors that cause the relaruonshuo no direct cause and effect decreasing cred
awarness of the effect of media and western culture, adverts and brands / modelling have become more inclusive of body sizes not just slim
and allows for therapy such as token economy develiped