carlsson Flashcards
- to find out the role of other NT’s in causing SZ other tan dopamine such as glutamate, seritonin GABA
- to use his knowledge of psychosis and NT functioning to deveolop and alternative treatment for patients that exsistinf antispychotics dont work on with fewer side effects
sample point 1
32-33 strudies based on a wide range of different individuals with different forms of conditions ans tyoes of patients
- SZ in remission laurelle et al
- acute SZ hietala et al
- parkinsons tedroff
- post morten studies hanson
- hunigton studies
therfore findings based on the role of NT’s in SZ symtpoms is representtitve of a wider range of SZ patiwtns allowing for medicarion to be usedul for a wide range of individuals with SZ
sample 2
many of carlssons refrences use animals, mice and rates
- miller and abercrombie gave rats NMDA antagnist as well as martin and waters et al
limits generalisability- anthromorphic we cant suggest findings based on the role of NT’s on SZ symptoms will be the same in humans as it is in animals as animals as their PFC isnt as developed which is resp0nisble for cognition and problem solving
using animoal studies also lacks validity as we can only observe certian symptoms of SZ such as repetitive behaviours not halluciantions and dellusions etc as we cannot communicate with them thereofre it may not be SZ that is occuring in mice due to the NMDA but a different disorder- not credible
procedure 1
consistent findings- high reliability
- carlsson and carlsson found when rodents given NMDA moved forward without intention- SZ symptom
-miller and abercrombie found that when rodents given NMDA antagnoist increased levels of DA associated with SZ
0 kim et al found that SZ patients had lower levels of glutamate in their ceribrospinal fulid
all consistent with the idea of NT’s impacting SZ increasing reliability
reliability questioned use of secondary data cant be sure of reliability of procedures , thereforre cpnclusions based on effect of NT’s on SZ not reliable impact studies applications
however articles are open to public domain except tedroff therefore anyone can replicate the studies and literature review to test for consistency
procedure- 4
highly scientific studies.
lindtroem, PET scans trace activity of L-DOPA( chemical used to produce dopamine ) - PET = objecitve quantitiaive data reducing risk researcher bias increasing VAL
controlled and scientific envro can be more certian about link between NT’s and SZ symptoms is valid
validity issues with PET scans
factors such as stress may alter brain acitivity, findings may be due to stress not SZ and interpretation of brain scans can have researcher bias as they arent 100% clear and procude qualititative data
used 14/33 own studies involve researcher bias
interpreted his findings to conform his ideas
picked studies that agreed with his conclisopms
secondary data- doesnt breach guidelines
many of orignial studies do breach such as LAURELLE and MARTIN gave ppts drugs to study effect of PCP and amphetamine see if related to SZ
conclusion and results
- helped better understanding of role of glutamate and NT’s in SZ symptoms allowing degelopemt of SZ treatments help improve qual of life for patients that cant use current treatments - clozapine
- findings- other NT;s involved in psychosisi such as glutamate, low levels of glutamate in regions of brain- present SZ symptoms
e.g. in cerebral cortex - negative symtoms
basal ganglia positive symtpms - relationship between glutamate and dopamine ‘ break and acceloraror low levels glutamate assocoated witj increase dopamine- miller and abercrombie
carlsson found th ethalamus filters sensory information iverstimulated- overwehlemed and leads to hallucinations
applied to clozapine highly effective drug as it has both ANTIDOPERMINERGIC and ANTISTERONERGIC
some patients may not have been responsive to previous drug treatment repond better to a strong 5HT2 receptor antagonist like clozapine
allowed for develipment of drug funtion better hold down a joh libe alone