ACT Flashcards
- based on idea environmental stressors cause onset of SZ e.g….
therefore helps supporting oatients in their i=environment helping them integrate back intor societty increasing independant living and reducing institutionalisation
what it involves
bond et al studied 25 summarised 25 studies looking at the effectivness of ACT found that compared to standard community care highly effective as they engaged the client, reduced rehospitilisations, improved stability of housing and imprved wual of life
not sufficient treatment on own, doesnt help actual functionig e.g. helping reduce + and - symptoms as well as doesnt help with employment prospects thereofre should include emplotment plans, social akills and family therapy ans must be combined with medication.
although Napal suggested that it does target - symptoms such as lack of motivation, emotinal flatness and social withdrawal.
multidisiplianry team
share caseload
high frewuancy of patient contact
high risk rehospitlitsation
highly populated areas
mueser et al srudies show that there is no negative aspects of ACT and patients appreciate treatment, no physical side effects unlike drugs increasing compliance increase qual life
- costs around 6-12k$ per client anually
heavily populated areas high incidence of SZ , intensive focus required, lots of staff involved in one client meaning its not avalisable for everyone therefore not everone can access the benefit it brings
social control gomory
paternalistic and coercive have no choice surrendering responsibilityto make decisions 11% feel forced into treatment and find it restricting
although this high level of control is only found in cases that are more dangerous and have more sever cases of SZ where they have been arresyed, had substance abuse therefore some form of control is neccesary to protect them and socirty
bond et al also points out preventing hosiitilisation helps them have much more freedom and choice living in the community then they would have in a hospital, cost ben
outcomes for staff were not good somw find higher levels of emotional exhaustion, burnout
stress diathesis model- both ACT and drugs depends on the case if need immediate care and how under control individual is