nm history ch 4 Flashcards
Born in los lunas, strong proponent of women’s rights. bilingual and well educated soloman luna was greatly influenced by her because she was his niece. through 1910 to 1920 she continued to lobby political leaders. New Mexico passed the 19th amendment in February 1920.
Nina-otero warren
New Mexico’s conservative US senator against woman’s rights and believed women’s purpose was to stay home, have children, have more children, cook, and wash dishes
Thomas Catron
The US constitution ratified by NM’s state legislature, about women’s right to vote
19th amendment
Was elected as new mexico’s first female secretary of state, went on to become the first woman and Hispanic woman serving as governor
Soledad Chavez de Chacon
Democrat from Carlsbad, 1st women elected to the US House of Representatives from New Mexico, served one term in congress–in 1947-1949
Georgia Lee Witt Husk
One of the first two Hispanic women to graduate from UNM law school in 1973, became the 1st woman to serve as the chief justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court when she was unanimously elected by her fellow Supreme Court judges in Jan 2003
Petra Jimenez Maes
Republic, became new mexico’s first elected female governor in 2011. She also became the first elected Hispanic female governor im America history
Susana Martinez
Passed in the 1920s, allowing local school boards to provide “separate rooms for the teaching of pupils of African descent”
Jim Crow Laws
Came to the US to attend school at 10 yrs old. While a lawyer in Las Vegas, he entered politics. When elected NM’s 2nd Hispanic governor, he delivered his inaugural address in english and spanish, later elected to US senate. He worked hard to limit child labor, establish compulsory education, and create bilingual education program.
Octaviano Larrazolo
Born in 1927, she lived in East Las Vegas, largely Anglo. She and other Hispanic children were separated in different rooms. At recess, they were kept separate- anglo children only joined anglo clubs.
Mari-Luci Jaramillo
To be anything less than 100% american in language and culture was to be unpatriotic in an age of tolerance not unlike the extreme WWI intolerance
100 percent americanism
Spanish speakers were segregated in the 1st grade where they heard + spoke only english, until they’d mastered enough english to proceed into regular 1st grade classes. This stripped Hispanic children of their dignity and pride about their culture and heritage.
The “direct method”
Mutual aid societies. Hispanic citizens defended their interest and rights by organizing and joining them
Sociedades mutualistas
The most committed federal prohibition in NM in the 1920s. He wanted to catch moonshiners, rumrunners, and bottlegoers in southern NM and he took a photo of every crime scene he made on crest
Howard S. Beacham
He came to NM in the mid-1880s to recover from his poor health and to find new economic opportunities. He became a lawyer, a judge, a legislator and in 1898 a captain in the spanish american war.
Albert Fall
Him and his two friends came upon a cave of alcohol
Tomas Brown
Prohibition agent, disappeared while working on a case in NE NM, only his car was found abandoned on an isolated stretch of real road in 1930
Rat Sutton
Manufacturing and transport of liquor, they made home deliveries, known so well you only had to be in cities within hour before purchasing liquor.
In carlsbad caverns, the illegally produced liquor was manufactured in an isolated canyon in catron canyon that became known as moonshine canyon
Moonshine canyon
A threat to Native American right, New Mexico’s US senator would have given title of much pueblo land to non-indians who had long occupied property on Pueblo borders
Bursum Bill
Pueblo leaders (like Tony Lujon) in taos the council to battle Bursum’s plans
All Pueblo Council
tribal leaders in the Taos Pueblo attempted to use their practical skills to defend it. It was a place of great spirtual importance in their native religion
Blue Lake
(Prohibition), prohibited the manufacturing and sale of alcohol
18th Amendment
The most powerful temperature organization in the nation, identified saloons, like Albuquerque’s infamous Bucket of Blood, as centers of vice and violence
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Most famous arrest of the prohibition era, he was apprehended near Alamogordo and charged with transporting liquor from Mexico by car in early 1927
Franklin Turner aka George kelly
Most famous bootlegger in the entire US, vacationed in Jémez and at fenton lake, accompanied by bodyguards. Special FBI agent assigned to watch him although there is no evidence he engaged in illegal activities during his leisurely visits to New Mexico
Alphonse “Al” Capone