newborns Flashcards
Guiding issues
- How prepared is the human newborn for life
outside the womb? - How much organization is present at birth?
- In sensory systems
- In motor systems
- What is the role of learning?
- When is learning first present?
Learning in the Womb: audition
* Lecanuet; Kisilevsky – respond to sound in utero
- Neonates recognize:
- Mother’s voice
- Native language
- Songs and stories heard prenatally
How prepared are babies?
Birth is a BIG transition
- Hypersensitive to stimuli
- they have a collection of reflexes
-Rooting, sucking, eye blink, withdrawal, babinski, moro, palmar
grasp, tonic neck, stepping, swimming - Perceptual & sensory capabilities
-Hearing, seeing, smell, taste, touch - Social perception
-Voices, faces (mother’s face & voice; native language) - Learning capabilities
- Operant conditioning, habituation, imitation (& can see learning of the above)
Newborn States
spend most of there time sleeping
Awake Newborn
Alert Awake
-Relatively still, Calm
-Taking in most about the world (Learning)
** Active Awake**
-Moving about, exercising muscles, limbs, etc.
-Less able to take in information about the world
*fussing & Crying
-May be moving quite vigorously, or clenched
-But least able to take in information about world
REM sleep
deep cycle of sleep wherethe brain is very active
newborn spend a lot of their time in REM sleep
it also help develop visual systems
More About Newborn State
- Infants learn best in alert awake, then quiet sleep, and then active sleep
- Learn less in active awake and not at all during Crying and Fussing
-Importance for being able to calm an infant
-Movement from state to state erratic
-All babies in all cultures cry, but amt. varies
#Crying peak at ~ 8 weeks
Back to Sleep campaign
(face up to wake up; now ‘safe to sleep’)
babies should sleep in their stomachs not in the back
when baby’s cry is incosulable
they should never be shaken because it can cause demage in the brain (SBS)
and colic is correleted with SBS (parents try to shush the baby by bouncing it) and postpertam depression
Babies born at risk ……
*LBW – **Low birth weight **( < 5.5 lbs; < 2500 grams)
-LBW 35 weeks gestation, considered premature
*SGA – ** small for gestational age**
* < 10th percentile for age
* Can be genetic (small parents)
* Can be IntraUterine Growth Retardation
Age of viability, down to (22) 23-24 weeks (27 w/out intervention)
* > 90% babies >800 grams survive (~2 lbs)
* ~ 40-50% babies 500 – 800 grams survive
Multiple risk model
- Risks tend to occur together
-Smoking and alcohol
-Poor nutrition and inadequate maternal care - Much higher risk of negative developmental outcomes if
multiple risks, and 4 or more at quite an elevated risk - Structural racism
- Quality of health care available
- Housing security
- These often compounded with low SES, etc.
- Developmental Resilience
- Resilient children have particular personality traits
-And one consistent, caring person in their lives
the exam will have a question about the article :Antiracism and positive intergenerational (infant) outcomes: A county-level examination of low birth weight and infant mortality
whether such advantageous health correlations might extend intergenerationally to infant outcomes?
as blm support movement support increse , low birth weight and moretility decresed in** african american babies**
BLM marches were not meaningfully related to rates of low birth weight among White American infants
However, BLM support was negatively related to mortalities among White American infants (Ncounties = 862).