neuroped Flashcards
most severe form of NTD
when does the neural tube close spontaneously
bet 3rd and 4th wk AOG
underlying causes of NTD
radiation; drugs; malnutrition; genetic determinants
how to prevent myelomeningocele
maternal periconceptual use of folic acid reduces its incidence by 50%(started before conception until at least 12wks AOG); 0.4mg/day
location of majority of NTD
lumbosacral (75%)
manifestations of NTD
flaccid paralysis of LE; absent DTR’s; lack of response to pain and touch; hip subluxation; clubfeet; bowel and bladder incontinence; associated with type II chiari hydrocephalus
cause of anencephaly
failure of closure of the rostral neuropore
absent cerebral convolutions; poorly developed sylvian fissure; failure to thrive; mircrocephaly; developmental delay; seizures; faulty neuroblast migration
lissencephaly (agyria)
uni or bilateral clefts within the cerebral hemispheres; severe MR; seizures; microcephaly; spastic quadriparesis
presence of cysts or cavities within the brain
due to defective cleavage of prosencephalon and inadequate induction of the forebrain structures; evidence of noncleaved midline brain structures
type of hydrocephalus where obstruction is within the ventricular system; abnormality of the aqueduct or a lesion in the 4th ventricle
obstructive or noncommunicating type
type of hydrocephalus where there is obliteration of the subarachnoid cisterns and malfunction of the arachnoid villi; follows a subarachnoid hemorrhage; leukemic infiltrates
nonobstructive or communicating type
site of CSF production
choroid plexus epithelium within the cerebral ventricles
how is csf reabsorbed
arachnoid villus cells; which are located in the superior sagittal sinus return CSF to the blood stream within the vacuoles(pinocytosis)
eyes may deviate downward due to impingement of the dilated suprapineal recess on the tectum
setting-sun sign
separation of sutures
macewen sign
foreshortened occiput
chiari malformation
prominent occiput
dandy-walker malformation
major cause of complications of shunting in hydrocephalus
Staph epidermidis infxn
present when 2 or more unprovoke seizures occur at an interval greater than 24hrs apart
consciousness retained or not in simple partial seizure
consciousness retained or not in complex partial seizure
type of seizure where there is sudden cessation of motor activity or speech with a blank facial expression and flickering of the eyelids
absence seizure
definition of absence seizure
never associated with an aura; rare in <5yo; not associated with postictal state; rarely persist longer than 30s; no loss of body tone
seizure associated with an aura; sudden loss of consciousness and patient may become cyanotic and apneic; there is loss of sphincteric control
generalized tonic-clonic
repititive seizures consisting of brief often symmetric muscular contraction with loss of body tone and falling or slumping forward
myoclonic seizures
Tx for GTC seizure
PPCaLaVaG; Phenobarbital; Phenytoin; Carbamazepine; LAMOTRIGINE; Valproic Acid; Gabapentin
Tx for absence seizure
Ethosuximide; Valproic acid
Tx for infantile spasms
purpose of ketogenic diet in seizures
anticonvulsant effect due to increased beta hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate resulting from ketosis
most common seizure disorder in childhood
febrile seizure
characteristics of febrile seizure
rare before 9mos and after 5yrs old; peaks at 14-18mos; normal EEG; (+) family history
febrile seizure with duration >15mins; repeated convulsions occur within 24hrs; focal seizure activity
complex febrile seizure
one seizure lasting 30mins or multiple seizures during 30mins without regaining consciousness
status epilepticus
usual cause of status epilepticus
breakthrough seizures; missed doses of anti epileptic drug
DOC for status epilepticus
diazepam and phenytoin
recurrent headache with symptom-free intervals and at least 3 of the following 1Family history 2Relief ff sleep 3Unilateral location 4Associated aura 5Abdominal pain 6Nausea and Vomiting 7Throbbing in character
most prevalent type of migraine; throbing or pounding; bifrontal or temporal areas; intense nausea and vomiting; (+) family hx in 90% usually maternal
migraine without aura
migraine with sensory symptoms; fortification spectra (brillian white zigzag lines); Alice in Wonderland syndrome
migraine with aura
migraine that has unilateral sensory or motor signs that may persist for days; good prognosis in older child or adolescent
hemiplegic aura
migraine associated with vasoconstriction of basilar and posterior cerebral arteries; girl<4yo at risk
basilar-type migraine
mid-abdominal pain with pain-free periods between attacks; at least 2 of the ff symptoms: anorexia; nausea; vomiting; pallor; pain may persist from 1-72hrs
abdominal migraine
persistent headache lasting >3days
status migrainosus
Tx for status migrainosus
Prochorperazine IV 0.15 mkd max 10mg
Prophylactic treatment for migraine (more than 2-4 severe episodes monthly)
propranolol 10-20mg TID for >7yo; Flunarizine 5mg at bedtime