commonskindisordersped Flashcards
erosions covered by moist honey-colored crusts in the face nares and extremities
organisms that cause impetigo
Staph aureus; Streptococcus
Tx for Impetigo
Cloxacillin or Cefalexin with or without mupirocin
physiologic overproduction of sebum in the 1st 6mos of life causes greasy scalp; greasy scales in nasolabial folds or eyebrows
seborrheic dermatitis
firm dry dark crust with surrounding redness and induration; entire epidermis is involved
tender warm erythematous plaques with ill-defined borders caused by Strep Staph or H. influenza
mild rubbing of the skin results in epidermal separation leaving a shiny moist red surface seen in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
(+) Nikolsky sign
Tx for oral thrush in candidiasis
Nystatin 4x/day for 5 days
diagnostic sign in scabies
S-shaped burrows
Tx for scabies
Permethrin 5% for 8-14hrs (98% cure rate)
hemangioma; platelet trapping with consumptive coagulopathy
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
Tx for hemangioma
oral steroids 2mg/kg
Type 1 molluscum contagiosum is located at _________
extremities; head and neck
Type 2&3 molluscum contagiosum is located at _________
white or yellow 1-6mm discrete papules with a central umbilication
molluscum contagiosum (caused by pox virus)