neonatology Flashcards
NB resucitation: Apnea or HR<100
Provide positive-pressure ventilation
NB resuscitation: HR<60 after PPV
continue PPV; start chest compressions
NB resuscitation: HR<60 after compressions
administer epi IV or ET
APGAR score: HR<100; blue; grimacing; limp; slow irregular RR
order of disappearance in a sick baby
color; respiration; muscle tone; reflex; cardiac rate
order of appearance in a resuscitated baby
cardiac rate; color; respiration; reflex; muscle tone
essential intrapartum newborn care
dry the baby; delayed cord clamping; early skin-to-skin contact; delayed washing; non separation of mother and NB
NB Care
Erythromycin 0.5% ointment or Tetracyline 1%; Vit K 1mg IM; Hep B; BCG
NB Screening test
Congenital Hypothyroidism; CAH; Galactosemia; G6PD; PKU; done at 48hrs old RA9288
when to repeat NBS?
if blood collected <24hrs old; repeat at 2weeks old
normal BW and BL; delayed physical; mental; and sexual dvt; sluggish; feeding difficulties; hyponatremia; edema of scrotum/genitals; prolonged physiologic jaundice
Congenital Hypothyroidism
deficiency of 21hydroxylase; vomiting; failure to thrive; normal at birth; signs of sexual and somatic precocity
feeding intolerance; vomiting; jaundice; convulsions; lethargy; hypotonia; MR
episodic/chronic hemolytic anemia; symptoms develop 1-2days after exposure to substance with oxidant properties; Heinz bodies; reticulocytosis; jaundice; ARF
substances implicated in G6PD
sulfonamides; nalidix acid; nitrofurantoin; chloramphenicol; antimalarials; vit K analogs; ASA; benzene; naphthalene
enzyme deficient in PKU
phenylalanine HYDROXYLASE
most common manifestation of PKU without treatment
developmental delay
unpleasant musty odor; severe vomiting; hypertonic; hyperactive DTR’s; seizures in infant
defective enzyme in Maple Syrup urine dse causing buildup of leucine; isoleucine; and valine
alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase
flat blue gray with well-define margins in NB
mongolian spot
small papules or pustules on an erythematous base filled with eosinophils
erythema toxicum
small inclusions cysts; pearly white; usually on the face
lacy pattern on the skin similar to cobblestones; vasomotor response to cold stress
cutis mamorata
open and closed comedones from circulating androgens
neonatal acne
subperiosteal bleed due to birth trauma; does NOT cross suture lines
swelling of the scalp due to birth trauma; involves the presenting part; CROSSES suture lines
caput succedaneum
arm adducted; pronated; and internally rotated; (C5-C6 involvent); if with C4 involvement there is ipsilateral diaphragmatic paralysis
Erb-Duchenne palsy
claw hand; (C8-T1 involvement; if with T1 sympathetic fibers involvent: Horner Syndrome)
Klumpke palsy
reflex present at 4-6mos of life; arms adduct and extend; hands open; legs flex when loweing the entire body abruptly while the baby is supine and head; back; and legs supported
Moro reflex
most commonly fractured bone during delivery
defect in the lid (small notch to a large cleft)
incomplete closure of branchial clefts
branchial cleft cyst
cystic dilatation of thyroglossal duct remnants; seen in the midline
thyroglossal duct cyst
incomplete closure of the umbilical ring; associated with diastasis recti
umbilical hernia