Neuromuscular: Examination Tests and Measures Flashcards
Glasgow Coma Scale
- Relates to consciousness to three elements, eye opening, motor response, verbal response.
- Typically used to asses acute concussions/TBI.
- Score range 3-15
- Minor brain injury=13-15
- Moderate brain injury=9-12
- Severe Brain injury=1-8
Coma Recovery Scale-Revised
- Examines multiple domains (auditory, visual, arousal, etc.)
- Includes brain stem reflexes (pupillary reflex, corneal reflex, eye movements etc.)
- Recommended for use in multiple rehab settings and patients with various conditions.
Mini Mental State Exam
- Brief screening test for cognitive dysfunction
- Includes screening for orientation, registration, attention, calculation, recall, and language.
- Max score=30
- Mild cognitive impairment=21-24
- Moderate cognitive impairment=16-20
- Severe Impairment=15 or less
- Evidence based but SHOULD NOT be used as a stand alone tool for diagnosis of cognitive impairment.
Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Function
- Assess cognitive recovery following a TBI
- Eight Levels
- Level I=No response
- Level II=Generalized response
- Level III=Localized response
- Levels IV=Confused agitated response
- Level V=Confused inappropriate response
- Level VI=Confused appropriate response
- Level VII=Automatic appropriate response
- Level VIII=Purposeful and appropriate response
- Delineates emerging behaviors.
Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS)
- Grading Spasticity
- Six Grades
- 0=no increase in muscle tone
- 1=Slight increase in muscle tone with minimal resistance at the end range of motion.
- 1+=Slight increase in muscle tone, minimal resistance through less than HALF of the ROM
- 2=Marked increase in muscle tone through MOST of the ROM affected part easily moved.
- 3=Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movements difficult.
- 4=Affected part rigid in flexion and extension.
Deep Tendon Reflex Scoring Scale (DTR)
- 0=Absent
- 1+=Toe change but no visible movement of extremities.
- 2+=Visible movement of extremities
- 3+=Exaggerated full movement of extremities
- 4+=Obligatory and sustained movement lasting more than 30 seconds.
Berg Balance Scale (BBS)
- Assesses functional Balance
- Includes sitting and standing balance
- Max score=56
- Fall Risk Scores <45
- Fall risk increases 6-8% for every one point drop from scores between 54-46
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC Scale)
- Examines confidence to perform 16 different daily activities.
- Scale is 0-100%
- Lower scores=less confidence
- Higher scores=more confidence
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
Functional Gait Assessment (FGA)
- Examines dynamic balance while walking.
- Max score=30
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
The 10 Meter Walk Test (10mWt)
- Measures gait speed for middle 6 meters and comfortable pace and fast pace.
- Reported as meters/sec
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
Six Minute Walk Test (6mwt)
- Examines endurance and stance walked over 6 minutes
- Reported as distance in meters
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
Five Times Sit to Stand
- Examines transfer capability
- Timed using stopwatch
- *Part of the APTA recommended outcome measures
Timed Up and Go (TUG)
- Examines functional dynamic balance
- Normal intact adults=<10 seconds
- Frail elderly/disabled patients=11-20 seconds
- Increased Fall Risk= >20 seconds
- High Fall Risk= >30 seconds
Functional Reach Test (FR)
- Examines maximal distance a person can reach forward beyond arm’s length while maintaining a fixed position in standing.
- Men 20-40=16.7
- Men 41-69=14.9
- Men 70-87=13.2
- Women 20-40=14.6
- Women 41-69=13.8
- Women 70-87=10.5
- Moderate fall risk=6-10
- High Fall Risk=6 or less
Multidirectional Reach Test (MDRT)
- Examines maximal distance a person can reach in multiple directions.
- Backward above average= >7.6 inches
- Backward Below Average= < 1.6 inches
- Lateral Above Average= >9.4 inches
- Lateral Below Average= <3.8 inches
The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest)
- Examines biomechanics constraints
- Stability Limits Vertically
- Transitions/anticipatory
- Reactive
- Sensory Integration
- Scoring involves various measures
The Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini BESTest)
- Shorter version of the BESTest
- Items are scored 0-2 with max scores of 28
Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)
- Examines balance
- Mac score=28
- Moderate Fall Risk=19-24
- High Fall Risk= <19
High Level Mobility Assessment Tool (Hi-MAT)
- Examines high level balance and mobility problems
- Max score=54
- Items scored via time or distance on a 0-5 scale
Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)
- Combination of balance and functional tasks
- Tests scored in terms of time to complete
- Lowest score=0
- Highest score=12
Balance Efficacy Scale (BES)
- Examines level of self confidence when performing functional tasks encountered in daily life.
- 18 items scored 0-100%
- Total score is divided by 18 to yield a mean score
Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
- Examines dynamic gait
- Max score=24
- Safe ambulation=22
- Fall Risk= <19
Fugyl Meyer Assessment of Physical Performance (FMA)
- Examines movements of UE, LE, balance, sensation, ROM, and pain.
- Scores range from 0-can not perform to 2 fully performed.
Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
- Examines physical, psychological, and social functioning
- Contains 18 items.
Functional Assessment Measure (FAM)
- Includes additional measures to the FIM including Community access, instrumental ADL, safety, employability, adjustment
Stroke Impact Scale
- Impacts how a stroke has impacted things like:
- Physical function
- Memory
- Thinking
- Changes in mood and emotions
- Communication abilities
- Typical Daily activities
- Participation in activities
Postural Assessment Scale (PASS)
- Provides a standardized measure for postural control and balance in patients following a stroke.
Community Balance and Mobility Scale
- Examines high level balance and mobility deficits with community tasks
- 13 item scale
Moss Attention Rating Scale
- Examines cognition and attention
Dizziness Handicap Inventory
- Examines a persons perception of disability through the use of three sub scales physical, emotional, and functional.
- 25 item scale