Neurology Flashcards
Parietal lobe Injury
Defect in attention in the contra-lateral visual feidl
constructional apraxia (ND)
dressing apraxia (ND)
ideomotor apraxia (D)
right hemisphere parietal lesions commonly produce visual neglect
Wernicke Area
Found in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus
causes receptive aphasia
Damage to inferior parietal lobe
Angular gyrus
causes: GERSTMANN Syndrome
- acalculia
- agraphia
- agnosia
- impaired right and left discrimination
- finger agnosia
Injury to left sided tempo-parietal lesion
impaired working memory
reduced digit span
Miller Fisher Syndrome
variant of Guillain Barre Syndrome
- proximal muscle weakness: bilateral shoulder girdle pain and weakness
- affects eye muscles: blurred vision,diplopia, nystagmus, difficulty with lateral gaze
- reduced deep tenson reflexes
- ataxic gait
contrast to GB as USUALLY starts with DISTAL peripheral lower limb weakness symmetrically
Multiple sclerosis
Focal neurological signs due to focal demyelination
USUALLY upper motor neuron signs
Myotonic Dystrophy
slow progressive muscle wasting and weakness
impaired relaxation of handgrip is FIRST sig
Motor Neurone Disease
muscle weakness
speech and swallowing problems
difficulty with breathing
combination of upper and lower motor neuron signs such as brisk reflexes, fasciculations, muscle weakness
Hereditary Motor and Sensory neuropathy (HMSN)
gradual onset of muscle weakness + SENSORY sx
Guillain Barre Syndrome definition
immune polyneuropathy
Guillan Barre causes
URTI/UTI precede symptoms of GBS
campylobacter jejuni
GBS sx
ascending paralysis starts in LL (LEGS UP
flaccid muscle tone
autonomic disturbances
neuromuscular ventilatory failure: SOB, morning headaches, reduced FVC
GBS ix
CSF: normal WCC, normal glucose, raised protien
NCS: delayed conduction velocity showing demyelination of peripheral nerves
spirometry: reduced FVC
ECG: arrhythmia
GBS tx
IVIG + plasma exchange
supportive therapy: NGT, ventilation, pressure care, analgesia
GBS long term complication
What are the classical symptoms of a migraine
unilateral throbbing headache, associated with nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia and aura, paresthesia,
lasting 4-72 hours
What is the classification for migraine
Episodic <15 days in a month
Chronic >15 days in a month
Migraine with aura
Migraine without aura
What are the RF for migraines
stress, menstruation, fasting, caffeine, irregular sleep pattern
What factors increase the risk of developing chronic migraine
sleep disorders, excessive use of anti-migraine meds, emotional stress, obesity, increased episodic activity, anxiety, head injury
What is the acute treatment for migraines
Ibuprofen 400mg, Aspirin 900mg, paracetamol 1000mg
Sumatriptan 50-100mg orally or SC/Intransal