Neurological System QUIZ Flashcards
Myasthenia gravis is
1. not treatable
2. an immune-mediated disease of acetylcholine receptors
3. diagnosed by muscle biopsy
4. caused by hypothyroidism
- an immune-mediated disease of acetylcholine receptors
Megaesophagus may be caused by
1. idiopathic mechanism
2. all choices are possible causes
3. hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s)
4. lead poisoning
- all choices are possible causes
Clinical signs of Laryngeal Paralysis include:
1. all choices are possible signs
2. Cervical pain
3. Upper airway respiratory distress
4. Horner’s Syndrome
- Upper airway respiratory distress
In regard to disc herniation…
1. Serial neurologic exams are extremely important for treatment plans
2. Type I disc disease can only be caused by hereditary disc deterioration
3. Surgical intervention is always necessary
4. Type I and type II disc disease will present with similar clinical signs
- Serial neurologic exams are extremely important for treatment plans
Patients with Megaesophagus often present
1. aspiration pneumonia
2. seizures
3. simple bloat
4. painful swallowing
- aspiration pneumonia
Discospondylitis can be caused by
1. Urinary tract infection
2. all choices are possible causes
3. Brucellosis
4. Dental disease
- all choices are possible causes
Horner’s Syndrome may present with
1. Difficulty swallowing
2. Dilation of the pupils
3. any of the choices may occur
4. Prominent 3rd eyelid on the affected side
- Prominent 3rd eyelid on the affected side
Which of the these would be the LEAST helpful in determining a cause for seizures in an adult animal?
1. MRI or CT exam
2. Skull radiographs
3. CBC/Chemistry panel
4. Ophthalmic exam (eye exam)
- Skull radiographs
An example of a secondary cause for seizures would be
1. head trauma
2. idiopathic epilepsy
3. liver failure
4. brain tumor
- liver failure
Secondary causes: “Innocent bystander effect”
- Etiology is due to organ or electrolyte dysfunction.
- Neurologic system simply showing signs.
A cat falls from a window and presents with anisocoria. The DVM diagnoses head trauma, which supportive measure(s) would you start ASAP?
1. IV fluids
2. all choices are correct
3. Oxygen therapy
4. Elevate the head
- all choices are correct
- Anisocoria: Unequal pupil sizes
A 14-year-old spaniel presents ataxic, with a horizontal nystagmus and a head tilt. The DVM will:
1. Tell the owners that Vestibular Syndrome usually occurs repeatedly once it starts
2. Recommend hospitalization for 1-2 days of supportive care
3. Recommend euthanasia due to a probable brain tumor
4. Panic! this is a very unusual presentation for an older dog
- Recommend hospitalization for 1-2 days of supportive care
T/F: Vet Techs can easily cause spinal cord/ brainstem injury to an anesthetized animal with Cervical Instability.
T/F: Metabolic neuropathy is only caused by Diabetes melitus.
It can be caused by diabetes melitus, cushings, & hyperthyriod (etc).
T/F: Absence of deep pain for more than 24 hours after a spinal cord injury has a good prognosis with treatment.
T/F: Cervical instability of C5-7 (Wobblers) is common in Doberman pinchers.
T/F: Laryngeal paralysis (change of voice) can be caused by rabies.
T/F: Animals with partial seizures may seizure in just one leg.
T/F: Brain damage can occur due to seizures that last from 1 to 5 minutes.
It is still a concern, but brain damage occurs at 15-20min marker
T/F: Juvenile animals have a fully functional blood-brain barrier when born.
T/F: All animals that have any type of seizure need to be placed on medication.
T/F: Abnormal neurologic function due to post-ictal period may last minutes to days.
List three clinical signs of brain disease or injury (6)
- Anisocoria (pupils of unequal size)
- Change in mentation or loss of consciousness
- Bleeding from eyes or ears or any skull fractures
- Seizures
- Kussmaul breathing (rapid/shallow breathing)
- Nystagmus/blindness or other cranial nerve abnormality
List three clinical signs of spinal cord disease or injury (6)
Hint: What happens to the limbs?
- Neck or spine pain
- Conscious proprioception (CP) deficit of any limb
- Paresis or paralysis of any limb
- Loss of bladder/colon or tail function
- Loss of paniculus reflex
- Increase myotatic tone any limb
Name three clinical signs of peripheral nervous system disease (5)
- Weakness in any limb
- Difficulty swallowing or chewing
- Muscle tremors
- Clonus of muscle (rigid limbs)
- Loss of superficial pain perception
An owner calls and he is hysterical! His 9-month-old dog is having a seizure. He knows of no trauma or toxin exposure. The dog has never had a seizure before. What are your instructions to him? (4)
- Start timing seizure, any seizure greater than 20 minutes is a medical emergency.
- Do not put anything in mouth, keep animal from self-injury (hitting head/falling downstairs).
- Do not shout or rub animal.
- Needs DVM exam within 24 hours if seizure is less than 10 minutes, get in car and go to DVM immediately if > 10 minutes.
What Client Education would you provide to owners with a dog designated by the DVM as “at risk for intervertebral disc disease?” (3)
- Maintain animal at normal BCS
- Prevent jumping off furniture, spine-twisting games (i.e. no frisbee catch)
- If IVD occurs in one location, more discs are likely to fail over time
A dog has just been recovered from spinal surgery to remove a herniated disc. In addition to TPR checks that the DVM has ordered, what parameters will you be monitoring in your patient? (be specific). (4)
Hint: Pee
- Monitor superficial/deep pain/ambulation q. 1-2 hours
- Palpate urinary bladder for over-distension every 4 hours
- Monitor Pain Score (patient comfort) every 2-4 hours
- Any other pet wellness parameter (appetite; clean/dry; IV cath/fluids)
A syndrome is a collection of ___ ___ due to a category
Clinical signs