Chapters 7, 8, & 9 Quiz Q's Flashcards
What type of support bandage provides good protection for a long bone fracture while radiographs are being taken?
1. Robert jones bandage
2. Spica splint bandage
3. Velpeau bandage
4. Ehmer sling
- Robert jones bandage
Sudden hyperextension of the stifle joint in middle-aged, obese dogs can result in rupture of the:
1. Patellar tendon
2. Medial collateral ligament
3. Anterior cruciate ligament
4. Lateral collateral ligament
- Anterior cruciate ligament
For OFA certs, dogs should be radiographed after reaching:
1. 6 mo/o
2. 1 y/o
3. 2 y/o
4. 3 y/o
- 2 y/o
T/F: Hip dysplasia isn’t a progressive, degenerative joint disease (DJD)
OCD lesions are most commonly seen in large-breed dogs in the:
1. Coxofemoral joint
2. Scapulohumeral joint
3. Carpus
4. Tarsus
- Scapulohumeral joint
What is the most freq seen primary bone tumor in pet animals?
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
2. Fibrosarcoma
3. Osteosarcoma
4. Chondrosarcoma
- Osteosarcoma
Which is the most true?
1. Most patellar luxations seen early in life are medial luxations
2. Most patellar luxations seen late in older dogs are medial luxations
3. Most patellar luxations seen in large-breed dogs are medial luxations
4. Most patellar luxations are traumatic in nature
- Most patellar luxations seen early in life are medial luxations
- Although, history of trauma is a sign for patellar luxation
Which of the following is false?
1. There is a genetic predisposition to hip dysplasia
2. An environmental factor is related to the development of hip dysplasia
3. No relationship between excessive growth & the development of hip dysplasia
4. There is dietary component to the development of hip dysplasia
- No relationship between excessive growth & the development of hip dysplasia
T/F: Casts or splints may not prevent rotation or overriding of fractured long bones & may result in delayed healing.
Which of the following is false?
1. Some degree of arthritis may develop in any traumatic injury
2. Physical therapy is needed for injured joints to return to function
3. Orthopedic injuries usually req analgesia post Sx
4. Hip dysplasia can’t develop in puppies born to female dogs without hip dysplasia
- Hip dysplasia can’t develop in puppies born to female dogs without hip dysplasia
Is it a good idea for an owner to give their large breed dog calcium-rich vitamins/supplements, given by the breeder, for fast growth?
No. Fast growth can predispose Pt to hip dysplasia
What advice should you give to a client to avoid musculoskeletal injuries in their pet? (4)
Give a diet meant for large breed puppies and consult your vet at a good time to get fixed. Growing too fast can cause health issues!
Limit weight & have daily exercise to avoid musculoskeletal disease.
Which is false about intervertebral disk disease?
1. Severity of spinal cord injury depends on the speed at which disk material is desposited into the spinal canal
2. Severity of spinal cord injury depends on the degree of spinal cord compression
3. Severity of spinal cord injury is related to the weight of the animal
4. Severity of spinal cord injury is related to the duration of compression
- Severity of spinal cord injury is related to the weight of the animal
What percentage of intervertebral disks is estimated to be degenerative in a chondrodystrophic breed by 1 year of age?
1. 30%
2. 5%
3. 45%
4. 75%
- 75%
Technically it’s 75-100%
The absence of deep pain after spinal cord injury for 48hrs, the prognosis is:
1. Poor
2. Guarded
3. Favorable
4. Excellent
- Poor
Cervical spondylomyelopathy (wobbler syndrome) is seen primarily in:
1. Golden Retrievers
2. Toy Poodles
3. Dobermans
4. Cocker Spaniels
- Dobermans
Until proven otherwise, animals with alteration of voice or laryngeal paralysis should be suspected of:
1. Brucellosis
2. Lepto
3. Rabies
4. Aspergillosis
- Rabies
Which of the following does NOT include the sign of ascending flaccid paralysis?
1. Coonhound paralysis
2. Tick paralysis
3. Embolic ischemic myelopathy
- Embolic ischemic myelopathy
Which of the following is NOT included in the treatment for tick paralysis?
1. Manual removal of all ticks
2. Supportive care
3. Chemical products for tick removal
4. Antibiotics
- Antibiotics
Which of the following would NOT be a cause of megaesophagus in the dog?
1. Congenital disease
2. Lead poisoning
3. Metabolic disfunction
4. Atlantoaxial subluxation
- Atlantoaxial subluxation
Phenobarbital (Rx for seizures) takes ___ days to reach an adequate concentration in the blood. Until this time, Pt may continue to exhibit seizure activity.
1. 2-3 days
2. 7-10 days
3. 21-30 days
4. 18-24 days
- 7-10 days
Which of the following diagnostic examinations would be of LEAST value in determining a cause for seizures in an older Pt?
1. CBC, serum chem
2. Opthalmic exam
3. CSF eval
4. MRI
5. Radiographs
- Radiographs
Which of the following is MOST correct?
1. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus & feline coronavirus are difficult to differentiate with current testing
2. A limited number of cats will have antibodies against feline coronavirus
3. The majority of cats with FIP will have effusive, or “wet,” form
4. An effective FIP vaccine is available
- A limited number of cats will have antibodies against feline coronavirus.
Although, like most of these are true except FIP vaccine (sort of).
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is primarily spread between cats via ___.
1. Fecal contamination
2. Fomite contamination
3. Fighting & bite wounds
4. Flea transmission
- Fighting & bite wounds
T/F: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is stable in the environment, lasting up to 6 weeks
It is unstable, very rare to get via fomites.
Who is the definitive host of Toxoplasma gondii?
1. Raccoon
2. Opossum
3. Cat
4. Deer tick
- Cat
Canine parvovirus is resistant and may remain viable in the environment for up to ___
1. 6 weeks
2. 1 year
3. 3 weeks
4. Several years
- Several years
“Lasts in environment long-term”
Patients with WBC counts less than 2,000 have a ___ prognosis.
1. Favorable
2. Poor
3. Excellent
4. Fair
- Poor
Which of the following antibiotics should be AVOIDED in young dogs?
1. Ampicillin
2. Enrofloxacin (Baytril)
3. Gentamicin
4. Amoxicillin & clavulanate (Clavamox)
- Enrofloxacin (Baytril)
Ehrlichiosis canis infections can be diagnosed by finding the organisms in the ___.
1. RBCs
2. WBCs
3. Feces
4. Serum
- WBCs
To transmit B. burgodorferi (Lyme disease), how long must a tick remain attached to the host?
1. Longer than 48hrs
2. No longer than 12hrs
3. Longer than 3 days
4. No longer than 1 hour
- Longer than 48hrs
Which of the following might NOT be a sign of rabies in an animal?
1. Vomiting
2. Difficulty swallowing
3. Changes in voice
4. Ataxia
- Vomiting
Primarily in what season is idiopathic vestibular syndrome disease seen?
1. Winter
2. Fall
3. Summer
- Fall or 3. Summer
Book answer says “2. Fall.”
But book also states “The disease is most frequently seen in late spring, summer, & early fall.”
Rigid hypertonicity of the front legs & hypotonicity of the rear limbs is known as:
1. Necrotizing neurological syndrome
2. Marphan syndrome
3. Schiff-Sherrington syndrome
- Schiff-Sherrington syndrome
Myelinated nerve fiber carry impulses ___ than unmyelinated fibers.
1. Faster
2. Slower
- Faster
Kittens should be at least ___ of age before testing for FIV.
1. 12 months
2. 4 months
3. 2 months
4. 6 months
- 6 months
What is the most commonly seen form of FIP?
1. Wet
2. Dry
- Wet
Approx 55% of cats diagnosed have wet FIP
Why do you think Lyme disease vaccine isn’t included in core canine vaccines?
Many areas don’t have Lyme disease & may house dogs who’ll never be exposed.
- Possibly difficult to distinguish between vax Pt vs Pt w/Lyme?
T/F: Current thinking is that once infected with FeLV a cat may remain infected with the virus
But if they survive, they will have lifelong immunity
What advice should be given to a client concerning a young cat positive for FeLV test? (4)
- Your cat can still live a happy life if treatment is successful & cat is good health (despite Dx), so we typically recommend moving forward with Tx.
- Kitty will need to become an indoor cat (for life), isolate from other cats, stay up to date on vaccines, & eliminate any stress factors for Kitty.
- Positive cat will need to retest every 6 months.
- There is no cure, but there are medications to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.
- If you have other cats in the household, they too will need to become indoor cats and need testing. (?)