Nervous System - Introduction Flashcards
Types of neurone
Sensory - receive sense info from receptor cell
Relay - connect sense + motor - part of CNS - sends response to motor
Motor - sends response to effector
Structure of motor neurone
Cell body - contain nucleus, dendrite
Dendrite - receive neurotransmitter - other neurone
Nucleus - cell activity
Axon hillock - only allow action potential - ion concentration threshold reach - prevent stimulation from small things (dust)
Axon- allow action potential across neuron
Node of Ranvier - allow exchange of ions for action potential
Myelin sheath - insulate neurone - speed up reaction - provide skips for impulse to jump (can’t go through fat layer)
Schwann cell - produce myelin sheath
Axon terminal - end - release signal to neurone or effector
Diagram of motor neurone
Structure of spinal cord
-Vertebra: bone of the spine (star shape on dorsal side - spread out pressure if it) - give structure to arrange neurone
-Meninges: membrane around spinal cord - protect spinal cord - infection
Dorsal root - contain sensory neurone, root on backside (dorsal) of spine
Dorsal ganglion - swelling in root for cell body for sensory neurone
Ventral root (front) - motor neurone
White matter - contain myelinated neurone
Grey matter (closer to central canal) - contains nuclei, cell body of relay + motor neuron + unmyelinated neurone
Central canal - contains nuclei cerebrospinal fluid
Diagram of spinal cord
Reflex arc
-fast, auto response - protect body from harmful stimuli
1)sensory neurone send message - CNS relay neurone
2)relay send response - motor neurone
3)motor to effects for response
Simple nervous system (hydra)
-one type of neurone connected like net - nerve net
- no specialised - so impulse go random
-sensory receptors detect limited amount of stimuli
-low effector number = movement limited
-neurones unmyelinated - slow
-degree of response dependent - on stimulus strength + receptors stimulated
Mammalian nervous system (me)
- Specialised neurone with direct pathways
-more effectors + more receptors for more stimuli
Diagram of nerve net in hydra
Comparison of nervous + endocrine system
+quick response
-last shirt
+last longer
-short response