Nervous System Flashcards
what are the three regions of the neural tube in a developing fetus?
- Prosencephalon (forebrain)
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
- Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
Name the brain region in the neural tube
the ____ is responsible for much of what we associate with behavior and personality, and develops into the diencephalon – which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal & pituitary glands – as well as the telencephalon – which contains the cerebrum
Prosencephalon (forebrain)
the limbic system includes…
- hypothalamus
- hippocampus
- thalamus
- amygdala
the ____ is the largest structure in the brain which contains the cerebral cortex
region of cerebral cortex associated with higher level cognition and executive functions
frontal lobe
region of cerebral cortex involed in sensory processing/perception
parietal lobe
region of cerebral cortex that has prominet roles in sound and language processing, as well as memory consolidation. This region also contains the** limbic system**, which plays a role in emotions and emotional memory formation
temporal lobe
primary visual cortex
occipital lobe
sometimes referred to as the 5th cortex of the brain, this region is deep within the cerebrum and takes in auditory, olfactory, gustatory, visual, and somatosensory cues via thalamic and horizontal cortical afferents from inside the body (also known as interoception) to determine the senses we perceive
“old brain” associated with functions that have been highly conserved throughout evolution. Includes the cerebellum, pons, and medulla
relays signals between the cerebellum, medulla and the rest of the brain. Involved in sleep, respiration, swallowing, taste, bladder control, and balance
associated with autonomic functions i.e breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
area of hindbrain associated with coordinated movement
topmost part of the brainstem, the connection central between the brain and the spinal cord. Serves important functions in motor movement, homeostatic regulation, sleep, and in auditory and visual processing.
region of brainstem associated with processing auditory signals and sending them to the medial geniculate nucleus in the thalamus
inferior colliculus
part of midbrain that processes visual signalls and participates in control of eye movements
superior colliculus
part of midbrain that facilitaties coordination of voluntary motor control
substantia nigra
the midbrain, together with the medulla and pons are collectivelly referred to as the ______
forms a stem that connects brain to the spinal cod
processes memory, emotions, and decision-making.
aka fear center of the brain
responsible for the consolidation of short term memory into long term memory
links the nervous system to the endocrine sysem via the pituitary gland
modulates sleep through melatonin production
pineal gland
projection through which the hypotalamus secretes oxytocin and ADH (vasopressin)
posterior pituitary
part of reward pathway
septal nuclei
relays sense and motor signals and regulates sleep and alertness
post office of the brain
spinal region that corresponds with the neck and contains sevel cervical vertebrae, C1-C7
cervical spine
spinal region that corresponds with the curve of the upper back and contains 12 vertebrae, T1-T12
thoracic spine
spinal region that corresponds with the lower back and has 5 vertebrae, L1-L5
lumbar spine
forms sacrum in adulthood, but throughout development is divided into 5 vertebrae, S1-S5
sacral vertebrae
the vertebral column ends with the …
coccyx (tailbone)
neurons that arise from the central nervous system and supply the ganglia
preganglionic neuron
in the parasympathetic system, preganglionic neurons are long, synapsing on ganglia near or on the target organ. In the sympathetic system, they are much shorter and go to sympathetic trunk
neurons that arise from the ganglia and supply the tissues.
postganglionic neurons
chain of ganglia near the spinal cord that extends approximatelt from the base of the skull to the coccyx. Preganglionic neurons with synapse with Postganglionic neurons here
sympathetic trunk
pre and postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic system, as well as preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system primarily use what neurotransmitter?
postganglionic sympathetic fibers mostly use what neurotransmitter?
pg. 131 biology NS
the planning of motor control is initiated in the ____ and executed by the ___
premotor cortex, primary motor cortex
the electrochemical signals generated by the primary motor cortex will propogate down the spinal cord after being modulated by ____ and _____
cerebellum and basal ganglia
this modulation helps coordinate the contractions of multiple muscle groups together into a unified, directed movement
what neurotransmitter is associated with muscle coordination, and the dysregulation of which is implicated in diseases of fine motor control deterioration such as Parkinson’s?