Nerves & Vessels of the Abdomen Flashcards
Where does the abdominal aorta begin?
Where does the abdominal aorta end?
What are the 3 groups of branches of the abdominal aorta?
anterior unpaired branches, lateral paired branches, paired posterior branches
What do the anterior unpaired branches supply?
The gastrointestinal tract
What do the lateral paired branches supply?
Paired viscera
What do the paired posterior branches supply?
diaphragm and the posterior abdominal wall
What are the 3 anterior unpaired branches?
Celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery
What does the celiac trunk supply?
Derivatives of the foregut - abdominal oesophagus down to the major duodenal papilla in the duodenum, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen
What does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
Derivatives of the midgut - the major duodenal papilla in the duodenum down to just before the splenic flexure in the transverse colon
What does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
Derivatives of the hindgut - from just short of the splenic flexure to the top of the anal canal
Where does the celiac trunk branch off the abdominal aorta?
What are the three branches of the celiac trunk?
Splenic artery, left gastric artery and common hepatic artery
What is the path of the splenic artery?
Torturous course across the top of the pancreas to the hilum of the spleen
What are the branches of the splenic artery?
short gastric attires to the top of the greater curvature and the left gastroepiploic artery
What is the path of the left gastric artery?
Goes up and to the left and then runs along the lesser curvature
What are the branches of the left gastric artery?
oesophageal branches
What is the path of the common hepatic artery?
Turns right and then immediately divides
What are the branches of the common hepatic artery?
proper hepatic artery and the gastroduodenal artery
What are the branches of the proper hepatic artery?
right gastric artery, right and left hepatic artery
What is the branch of the right hepatic artery?
cystic artery
What are the branches of the gastroduodenal artery?
The posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, the right gastroepiploic artery, the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and maybe the supraduodenal artery
Where does the superior mesenteric artery branch off the aorta?
What is the path of the superior mesenteric artery?
along the root of the mesentery
What are the branches of the superior mesenteric artery?
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, jejunal and ileal arteries, middle colic, right colic and ileocolic arteries
Where does the inferior mesenteric artery branch off the aorta?
What are the branches of the inferior mesenteric artery?
left colic artery, several sigmoid arteries, superior rectal artery
Where does the portal vein receive blood from?
tubular GIT, pancreas, gall bladder and spleen (inferior mesenteric vein, splenic vein and supeior mesenteric vein)
What is the path of the portal vein?
Ascends in the free edge of the lesser omentum
What are the 5 sites of portosystemic anastamoses?
oesophagus, anus, anterior abdominal wall, retroperitoneal structures, bare area of the liver
Which nerve segments innervate the foregut derivatives?
Which nerve segments innervate the midgut derivatives?
Which nerve segments innervate the hindgut derivatives?
Where are the sympathetic ganglion?
cluster around unpaired branches of aorta and renal arteries
What nerves provide parasympathetic innervation to the gut?
vagus for foregut and midgut and pelvic splanchnics for hindgut
Where will pain from unpaired abdominal viscera proximal to the mid sigmoid colon be referred to?
anterior abdominal wall - dermatomes T6-L2
Where will pain from unpaired abdominal viscera distal to the mid sigmoid colon be referred to?
perineal region - dermatomes S2-4
Where does lymph from structures supplied by unpaired arterial branches go?
To pre aortic lymph nodes
Where does lymph from structures supplied by the paired arterial branches go?
To para aortic lymph nodes
Where does all the lymph meet?
In the cisterna chyli