Neoplasia of Testes and Scrotal Mass Flashcards
most common malignancy in med age 15-34
testicular germ cell tumors
- incidence per 100,000 is 1.5
- the germ cell mutation growth starts in intra-uterine life.

for testicular germ cell tumors (the most common malig in med age 15-34), what stage are often caught?
majority presents with stage 1 where they are confined to the testes, often cured by orchiectomy alone.
SOME will relapse

risk factors for testicular germ cell tumors
– undesended testis
- testicular feminization
- family hisotry of testicular cancer
- in utero exposure to exogensou esterogens
- maternal exposure to DES
clinical presentation and diagnosis of testicular germ tumor
- usually painless swelling or testicular nodules
- back pain (retroperitoneal metastasis), hemoptysis (lung metastasis)
DX: US, CT abdo and chest, MRI
- serum tumor markers (AFP, betaHCG, LDH)
t/f we can screen young males for testicular germ tumors
false. no reliable screening tests

components of resection during a gross radical orchiectomy

Serum Tumor Markers
for testicular cancer (germ cell tumors
) Unknown
Normal limits
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) elevation
Beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (b-hCG)
elevation Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) elevation
note: testicular germ cell tumors can be a seminoma vs a non seminomatous GCT.
- many are mixed

Which tumor markers allow you to differentiate between seminoma and non seminoma GCT? Other tests?
seminomas LACK AFP and hCG elevations
- seminomas more likely to present in mean age 40 years, well cirucmscribed, solid and uniform tumor. Can be unilobated or multilovated.
non-semonimatous GCT can be embryonal, teratoma, yolk sac tumor, or choriocarcionma, and most are mixed of all these tissues. THEY WILL HAVE AFP and HCG ELEvATIONs
SEMINOMAS ARE RESPONSIVE TO RADIATION– if the patient is not receptive to radiation, it might be a non-seminoma
for seminomas what predicts relapse in clinical stage 1?

- tumor size >4cm
- rete testis invasion

Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors Prognosis
- cure rate is 90% at all stages– 1/3 of NSGCT present with metastatic disease
- prognosis generally depends on extent of serum markers elecation, and older age is a worse prognosis.

non seminomatous germ cell tumors gross appearance key findigns
a bit more necrotic looking.

recall that non seminomatous germ cell tumors have different subtypes, but most are miced. what is the most ocmmon component in NSGCT?
embryoal carcinoma.
higher risk of relapse if predominant components.
In mixed GCT, yolk sac tumor in a stage I tumor may
convey better prognosis
type of non-seminomatous germ cell tumor that presents with metastatic disase and marked elevation of HCG