Delayed Puberty Flashcards
normal puberty:
- Withdrawal of ___ inhibition of the ____ GnRH pulse generator
- Augmented __ and __ secretion in response to ___ GnRH
- Gradual increase in sex steroid concentrations
- Appearance of ___ sex __
- Withdrawal of CNS inhibition of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator
- Augmented LH and FSH secretion in response to pulsatile GnRH
- Gradual increase in sex steroid concentrations
- Appearance of secondary sex characteristics
outline how the sequence of normal puberty differs between males and females
in males, the height spurt is a bit later, so they grow their testes and pubic hair before they get tall
in females, they often grow taller befroe developing actual fertility, which is why in grade 5 most girls are taller than their boy peers.

definition of delayed puberty in girls and boys
in girls, primary amenorrhea at 16, no boobs at 13.
in boys, no secondary sex characteristics by age 14, or if takes over 5 years from onset of puberty to completion

hypergonadotropic vs hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Is Kallmans an example of hpogonadotropic or hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- there is a defect in GNRH production, meaning the problem is at the level of the pituitary
isolated gonadotropin deficiencyies resulting in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
prader willi
laurence moon biedl

broad causes of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- constitutional growht delay which result in. anormal height kid later on
- hypopituitariusm (PROP-1)
- Isolated gonadotropin deficiency (Kallmann, prader willi, laurence moon biedl, idiopathic)
- functional disordes

Anterior Panhypopituitarism
• Case: 17 Year old male with delayed puberty
- Short stature
- Height age 9 yrs
• Low serum T4 with “normal” TSH
- Abnormal ITT
- ACTH deficiency
- GH deficiency
• Subnormal LH response to GNRH stimulation
- short stature, low T4 and normal TSH– should be HIGH!!
- abnormal ITT; sounds like its more of a pituitary issue, therefore more so a hypogonadotropin hypogonadism issue.
- could be Kallmans, could be prader willi– but the main symptom here is short stature and delayed puberty, not obesity. leaning more toward kallmans.

LH, FSH and testosterone levels in Kallman. What other non-repro symptoms are on presentation?
Low KH, low FSH and low testosterone– this is a central issue
- the most important thing you could be missing is a cortisol emergency.
- would also be anosmia, deficiency of olfactory sulcus

Prader Willi H4O
H= hyperphadia
H= hypotonia
H= hypomentation
H= hypogonadism
O= obesity

LF and FSH levels in someone with ypergonadotropic hypogonadism
HIGH LH and FSH because central is not affected– streak gonads/dysfunctional gonads is the issue

Congenital causes of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
- gonadal dysgenesis
- turner syndrome
- klinefelter syndrome
- anorchia
- disorders of sex steroid biosynthesis

would turners lead to primary or secondary ovarian failure
usually primary ovarian failure– streak gonad presecne
acquired causes of Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
- surgery
- radiation
- systemic chemotherapy
- gonadal torsion
- oophoritis/orchitis

Do a ___ stimulation test to assess Leydig cell function in
prepubertal males
HCG stimulation test to assess Leydig cell function in
prepubertal males
T/F oral testosterone is often used as an androgen replacement
false. not used because bioavailability isn’t great