Approach to Prolactinemia Flashcards
Hypothalamic dopamine __ prolactin synthesis & secretion
Hypothalamic dopamine inhibits prolactin synthesis & secretion
how does prolactin affect breast tissue
This is what prolactin does to the breast: stimulates milk production from a developed breast
why does the pituitary increase in size during pregnancy/
estrogen acts as a lactotroph. direct action on the lactotroph to increase secretion and produce celllar hyperplastia

how does nursing affect prolactin levels?
it sustains it

causes of high prolactin
H:hypothalamic disease (sarcoid, granulomatous)
I: infiltrative (hypo, stalk, pituitary level because of sarcoid, MM, hemochromatosis)
P; pregnancy, prolactinoma, PCOS
R; renal failure
O: oral intake
L: liver disease
A: AHHHH idk (idiopathic)
C: Chest wall disorder like shingles
T: thyroidism, hypothyroidism
I: ingested meds
N: nipple stimulation

symptoms of high prolactin (often in women)
- galactorhhea
- hypogonadism (loss of testosterone in men)
- amenorrhea (hypogonadism in women)

why does high prolactin cause hypogonadism?
prolactin inhibits GnRH secretion, which usually stimulates LH/FSH release and thus estrogen and testosterone. This is blocked.

T/f hyperprolactin causes early onset puberty
false. PRl effects negatively on GnRH, causing a pubertal delay.

note: Causes of pathological hyperprolactinemia at different levels

diagnostic evaluation of hyperprolactinemia
- clinical presentation
- serum prolactin– if normal, repeat and follow
- history and physical exam– if a cause is found, stop the cause
- Hcg: pregancy causes icnrease in prolactin
- TSH– hypothyroidism causes incease in prolactin. GIve thyroxine.

why is surgery beter for smaller tumors?
- studies show that surgical resection of a microadenoma resolves high prolactin in over 71% cases, where as macros only have a 30% success rate

ergot fungus ___ lactation
inhibits lactaion by reducing prolactin

medication stemmed from ergot fungus as a treatment for hyperprolactin
bromocriptine is a D1 and D2 agonist that reduces prolactin secetion, and has been found to shrink prolactinomas. It’s sister drug, cabergoline, is now used as it is superior

Not all people with hyperprolactinemia have galactorrhea
Not all people with galactorrhea
have hyperprolactinemia.
How can you tell if breast dischage is galactorhhea?
if it was true breast milk, you would see fat colloids.

T/F the most common cause of calactorrhea is due to hyperprolactinemia
false. Most common cause of galactorrhea – idiopathic